What is an Alchemist.

What is an Alchemist. Many ask this. An Alchemist in my humble opinion is one who has the ability to bend time, space, etc to his will. I can nudge quite well, bending is coming. Using ones will to craft is easy enough once trained, but the trained minds of this era are just lost. Nothing but greed and Lust. Cause is effect, and effect is cause. Doubt will cause you to "Do not pass go" Pride will cause errors...Sometimes so big as to extinguish a light, I am sorry , Fear is ammunition. Using anger is much much easier, than Kindness. Lacks the level of control...Cause is effect kinda rough, but effect becomes cause all the same. Sorta like flying through a thick glass window at 30 MPH with your body. You do get there, much faster, and .... Love is powerful, Yes it is, But it is rare. Greed and Lust are common. Vanity can be fun, but it too has a price. This teaches Gluttony, for all to understand. ALL this you must understand to effect your space, for what is yours is known, what is not is not. Yea...ARGOspeak Could also be Titled.. How to do maji. ALL Blessings ALL aqua

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