The Coming....
Children, you are in a place, where your world leaders do not want to be.
What is the future is not what anyone wants.
You had an oppurtunity, you came close but missed, you will blame those who did not, in the main countries, although it all humans fault, so many never recieved their shot.
The new heart of light is about to be seen, by your species, now what.
It is strictly in Natures closet, no reproduction possible, those who stay stay those taken will be taken, brothers, mothers, sister, fathers, everywhere, what has been is not nearly enough, and the trees are the sensors as is the water and air.
Wayne obogle, you came so close but your close and quite attemp , was your error, good blessings all the same friend.
Not one gained this time, sadness.....not even one left to sea what there is to see, only at these times does that occur.
I sleep knowing the future, and sometimes futuresight kinda sucks. as a dr in a show I like would say, always it repeats, never quite them same, alweays in flux.
I person aly made some advances to a few folks, KNOW THIS...YOU cannot stop what is your future, Keep in touch, some have taken more than a century to find me again, and I promise you, you will look, but first will occur the next 70 years for you. Also always rmemeber Is it a blessing or a curse, you will ask this, I know this. Maybe in the next 25 to 40 years you will notice something, like, sickness not as much, but the really weird one is NOT being able to die, take care of that water casket your walking around in, you will be in it for much longer than you can possibly imagine.
This entire civilisation has kept this hidden, forever,that is most amazing !
To know this and to see what has been missed to a point of the coming, thats what I will call this in ARGOspeak. "The Coming"
is so hard for my mind to realize, in an acceptable way.
It is like you have a beautiful home but no keys and everyone wants in.
to find this at this point in your civilisations evolution, would mean a world ending event quickly, sadly you would try to use it for world peace in some way and world end.
I have tried really hard to show this world, yet they will not pay attention.
I am at a loss, I have done what was expected, at the approiate times, and more, yet I am alone.
Pollution will end, as this is being rushed now, there has never been the desired result, so this time it must be, the desired result must occur.
WE are the insect stressing the rock we are on, and the rock is fixing that.
Sadly we protect our most vunerable and not our most precious, thanks old man for not showing me this.
We are as the trees, and something has arrived as a direct result of our actions, and numbers, which will cause that to change, for nothing man will do will stop Nature, they may interfer, but to think they can stop it is incorrect. Humankind is the same as a tree to Nature, and shall we look at what man has done to trees. Nature is mearly correcting an issue, and will do so no matter what man does.Some will remain as nature requires balance. In our art do we not take all of the energy from one and gift it to create another. so the one who gives away all that he is for the benifit of Nature, do you think he had a say or just fought...ahhh microcasum macrocausm.
Progress occurs at all levels, most of which exist outside our understanding, there are some visual representaions in the stars, but that knowledge was destroyed and lose centuries ago, perhpas eons.
Now it is cataloged human data, no one will ever know, except a few.
It occurs right in front of you, a doorway of sorts, some realms know how to use, most know it is a place of wonder, you know it occurs during darkness and storms, yet you dont know what it is?
My kind surfs these pathways, some, many are cataloged, some use ships, we use mind. when you die, you still exist, it's just different. Then you know what you missed, sorta and wish to be permitted human existance once again, as you will do better, and so on and so on....In your timespeed, uggghhh so slow, you have a couple few decades left, but it is gonna get really warm and many times faster than your scientists are stating but that will not matter as on the way there the heat will bread old bugs for you, to know and that will be many wars but there will be this one and three others, for humankind to fight. dont fight to hard, it is unwinable, for Nature is humankinds opponent.
There is a blue rim to be seen when this ends for Humaninty, it always will restart for that which is all things is forever, and balance must always be achieved for without balance that which is all things is not, and that can never be.
we may be Neverland and may be able to achive anything, but these minds are traind on hatred denial, doubt, and a few others, and they focus on that which is easy. a good sample of that is they eat food for their tastebuds to enjoy , as they stuff themselves to death, it is truly amasing to watch.
They eat there world daily bit by bit and seem to act as though everything will be fine. Bless them as they are on their way back to be a less free will part of that which is all things. That freewill, it's so kewl that just to watch it is fun.
ALL Blessings ALL
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