The Rage

The download never seems to have enough information.. The RAGE takes over, even when I see it coming, I cannot control the agressiveness, and it is alkways 4 days before a full moon. then the winter equinox occurs and ... The only stories are werewolf ones and they dont quite fit. It is something no one drew or talked about as even the memories are scarce. I do not like it and should be able to control it, but not quite. it is Incident related and occurs as outbursts, but they continue to get stronger.That means less control of myself wehile in that moment. It is at times like this when I miss another the most, I am told there will be worst times coming. I will not currently type on our shared disease, as it seems the worst in now destined for mankind. The restoration for the aged is heavy long and suffering. For the young as well, although greatly reduced. WHy, 4 days priora full disk, why? Blessinhgs ALL


  1. Do you think they are getting stronger because the rage in the general population is increasing as well and you are tuning into or channeling that somewhat?

  2. Intersting though..unsure as to an answer..

  3. 4 days in what context if I may ask? 4 days a cycle? E.g. Lazarus in the Bible died for 4 days? 4 day fast - cleansing?
