How too..Progress Metals, and Other things,

such as large heavy rocks, make them light. You will need some elements 4 specifically...but it depends who you ask some say 3, some say 7 or 8 some say Infinity. These must be equals and willing to work as one. Then it must be "Just Right" Not to Hot, Not to cold, Just Right". Our Art is always done in the darkness of Nature, Tip: Candles allowed and good. When the Phoenix appears you have bright light, but temporary. This will create the Prima Matter, and allow all things which are contained in legend...Yes extermely long life, good health , wealth, etc... That tells you all you need to know to progress anything even your life. Now I will tell you of the Ingredients All ingredients exist in all water everywhere, the amount of dirt with the water is a big issue in your world, these must be collected and seperated. The Pictures you call "BLEACHING FIELDS" are not to bleach, it is to obtain a mineral. All the Elements are difficult to obtain and purtiy must be gotten to the old ways. Thr "Rose" is "Fulvic Mineral, it is very dirty but many times cleaner then the acid the Other is that which is the most powerful element mankind has or knows.of. The other is special and the small bee know it well. Then the other is very well known by man, but y'all did not really notice yet...WoW Put together they become something sentient, yes thinking, not on a level I fully understand, but defiently aware. To can do anything, is a Grand Understatement. When consumed the eathbbound animal changes, all parts that make the being are not only renewed, but perfected as well...Better body. Some of those who have made and consumed the juice I make, know this quite well. THe Juice is less than 1% of it's capability's, think on that friends. You wanted to know I have told you. ALL Blessings ALL Aqua

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