The 1st child was 17 and barely functional, today she is very very close to normal
I carry pride for that, even though it truly is not me, I am the processor only, the Old Man is the truth.
The 2nd Austistic child, has Improved dramatically in 2 days, considerably less uncontrolled emotional vilence.
Another grand adventure has begun...
The 2nd child is healing at an alarming rate, her mind is healing.
At this point I believe she will heal completely.
The first child is for the most part, healed.
The good news I think, there is now a 3rd child.
He will be Interesting, and is in the same group.
This may get me noticed, it is early but huhhh..
he is the 1st Autistic Male to drink that which the Old Man taught me to make.
Although I know I have been through this many times, it is always new ish....
Someone find me my Rose...FULVIC MINERAL"
My mind contains such things.
In the simple, your barely at Infancy, you lost / forgot it all.
Your all to clean, your missing some minerals and of course all those other things
which make those minerals/ carrots fully processable by your bodies.
The Brain cells are just being completed now, the missing Ingredients are there.
My favorite remains Cancer, completely vanished overnight, 1 big glass.
Ton be continued...
Sounds great 👍