Will, ham...

How to stae that which is.. It is Yet, it is not.. To design with your own will, it is hard fot this mind, to accept, even when it is this mind which does it..Owww my brain hurts. I am here enougfh to do as I wish, I have sent darkness upon many, as they wish it upon me....Bad idea...I said long ago, by your measure here, that I would say when I knew I could protect myself against all things. This time is here...If you read me, and know me, and wish darkness upon me, such as , "we will get you" things like rules bending...Small things...They are all reflected back upon you 10 or 100 fold....Please , go ahead and try....If you try really hard, you will gain a headache, it will quickly become cancer, you will be gone in 2 years time....I can save you, come ask? Be very Kind. Do not think badly of me. I saw this coming long ago, I wondered what it would be like? I now wonder if it will be like all the rest of this,a non stop better and better experience...I can effect any mind, anywhere, even it seems there is door for past points, slight nudging...Odd.like altering someones decision in the past, it is afterall , all within the mind, and as buddha said.."All is Mind"....Everythingf is alive..Asimov was correct. there are a grand amount of beings here, all are kind, with humans being the exception, I hit back, in ways that cannot be lawed up. I am that which you dream of and night and wor.....I am that which you cry to for ...I am that which you curse, only this time, you will not....I askedfor this, I prayed for this, I begged for this, I am this.....All things have a price, do they not, so when you make any choice which involves me, be kind. I said many times tied to the earth....It is as it is....some moments I am everywhere r just somewhere else..Odd new as so much stronger than before... Ramblings....ALL Blessings ALL aqua

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