
Your like children, who find something, decide what it is give it a name, quantify (nice word) it a million ways, and yet you do not understand why you feel a need to do this. Raw Emotion, is more powerful than the sun...Think on that for a bitty. Your mind are so scatterred, everything is a bad patchwork of things put together and allowing an existance. You were taught once, but you figure a better way for all things, thats funny, congats. Whne you read what I write, you can feel me, I have said this many times, what I have said only 1 time is that when you read me and feel that, that is an open door for me to enter your mind at any point in time for all of time, before and after.The past is a memory made, the present is a memory being made, the futre is merly a place you have been many times, a great many times...It is all memory, or as a friend says all is mind. You have within you the power to do anything, save any life...take this planet , as you know it on a ride like a car if you want to, or more comonnly spoken of move mountians. Yet you are all, scaterbrianed. I have mmet a few folks with some mental comtrol, but they fear ... I once felt such a beautiful mind, so long ago, just in passing. it was early in y return, I should have sought it out, for I have never felt another, and I have sought since before I can member.I seek another always, why I touch your minds , just looking. I have not bad Intent, darkness is as a bad fruit to me. Although the level of abilities is very strong, I do not like the price. I want to keep liking myself. Once again I had a friend, this time with a 15 year old girl, lost a leg to Cancer, she will likely pass, I could save her but she would have to come to me, and likely won't. When friends make these requests of me, I find that as dark of a place as I want to go. I can do so much so long as the level of being is very low, if it is just a bit to sentient I still cannot control, Birds are easy so long as they are not hungry. Distractions are the same in animals as they are in the human, your minds are always scatterred, and when they do focus well it is food or sex. As in greed. That movie 3 men end things with their minds. That is what y'all have missed. I can do much better than any 3 today, I can make people shout out, the ability to control that this well is new and I am abusing it, but it is fun. I cannot overide strong emotions yet , but I can feel that , soon. sorta like the birds...If the ducks line up , you yell out, when I say you do. that is so crazy. dont know where this will end but this ride is beyond the most extreme insane thought. If "All is Mind" then all is thought, and thought is but emotion...scatterbrain emotions have no power and this pebble glows with scatterbrain thoughts I am saying a lot in plain, so be careful what you wish for, and know that as you read this, I read you and if your special, like I would like to find I will feel you, and I will immediately let you know. Some have come at me to cause me injury, they are with the old man, well not any longer I guess, but they are not in a comfortable place, for as long as time exists. What you consider wonders are merly thoughts so out of fashion with the common scatterbrain, that it sticks out like a blinky starbug. If enough humans think it true it will be, again careful what you wish for. You do place your emotions eberywhere as vines, focus fuck off cause your stupid is a very funny thing. sometimes it has occurred that in meditation that I have felt harmony in a small group of minds, that is always a surprise, a pleasant one, still scatterbrained but in harmony. some use to say a war of minds would occur, but you like strife much to much to be able to discipline your minds to fight harmonised and focused. Today I feel it is a Blessing, Thanks Old Man ALL blessings All Today I think it is a Blessing

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you've had some interesting times since breaking from Facebook :) Your correlation between mind, thoughts, and emotions intrigues me! As of recently I consider emotions kind of as the amplifier of thoughts, or source energy that can substantiate and help manifest them.

    For example, if an emotion is a feeling, then I can feel extremely happy. But, I can be feeling that when having a thought about a loved one, or perhaps a very nice dinner (since, as you said, most of "us" focus better on food and sex, hahaha). Obviously, if "All is Mind" then thoughts and emotions are the same too; it's just in quality that they differ. Just an idea I've had kicking around in here for a while :)

    I hope all is well! Blessings to you :)
