Notes, and , Me...

As....Once again, I progress through the change, to prepare for that which I do not know... I have reached the point where I myself can see it happening in the mirror, although it appears that more unspoken things are occuring.The tails of werewolves and dracula, appear to be temporary, If only I had the memories I would know... My health is great, verified by their machines... I seem to be a slave to the fule, when I am out I deteriorate quickly...Took 3 lessons to realize that...rough lessons...uggghhhhh.... It seems that without the ongoing fuel input, processes cease and reverse, I am hopeful, that this is temporary. I can obtain it, but being a slave to it would prove a Yoke around my neck. ( Oh my what have I shown you) To have listen to my teacher and heard his teachings I have now many abilities, extremly heathy and long life is now mine, I have the Greed as needed, it seems my teacher is more in control of that than I? Greed is a changer, of humans, the desire to be better vthan your neighbour is constant and most cannot have the emotional desire they cannot control, even with smiles they step on each other. I am at my 3 trimester, (Grand Word) It is nice to see the exterior changing, although, I know the parts inside when they are new must be cared for or will make me feel yucky, especiially tummy, many processed foods do not like me, for now, as this is the case then my exterior will be sensitive. That told, I am worried about the Dracula effect with the white sun. Will it be long, is it permanent, jesse I hope not...( I av done this many times, but no memoriers, of the experience.) I have more new friends, One was done, his heart...It is healing...The other had a growth in her brain, it is healing. Both were at their last days, with no other opinion. God stopped death for them...( without the memories it amazeses me all the time... What mankind missed is beyond silly...Like Graingers disease, cured 4 times, in this age it is known as Flesh eating disease, and it is incurable, people die or have limbs cut off..This species? I do enjoy knowing that I have all the time I could want, My friends I come 1st, I have enough for 200 years for me, then I will run out and expire. SOme of you who are my close friends, know... What was given you as a blesssing, is temporary, only 2 or you have 8 years, many more have considerably less time. FIND MY MINERAL..."FULVIC MINERAL" When you meet me, you are always at the end of your rope, your Yoke is taking you down, your life is over.... Then you met me, but as with all things it has a price, In a time long past all knew, but we were hunted and killed for the knowledge... From what I have gathered, IF there are any left they are either hiding and in seclusion. I can still vanish, actually that ability has improved 5 fold and continues to grow , as with all the other abilties, some I hold back as they scare me. I can truly hurt without even being on the same space, or time...although the time part still scares me so much that I drop it when I finally get ahold of it. I know there is an event which occurs involving time..(THat one I remember, although only the arrival) which makes me vanish as I move backwards into myself at a younger time...but the memoreies, are limited to anointing oils and my families names...those fade fast, I am however able to captuee the memory and review it as needed. It tells me nothing new, as it is from a forward time...ALl this is new to me this time round. I had a hobby, now I am eternal, I have had a grand ampount of help from that which is all things, for with this mind it was mandatory...This mind alone could not have succeeded. (Time is Very slow here) The things I can now do...The list is sooo long. I can walk into any mind, I can influence weak minds As i learned I took lives, I beg forgivness, This mind did not know it was being changed to such an extreme. I am sorry! Then their are those who used their very limited abilities, to try to hurt me. They have met that which is all things, Now , that can be a good thing or a bad thing, I believe they choose the bad thing, I pity them...for Eternity. With me is is a know that to wish good things upon me will be returned to you 100 fold, to wish darkness upon me will be returned 10 fold. Truly I pity them... Well my friends, this is it for now... ALL Blessings ALL Aqua

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