Our Little World...

Our little world contains such treasures. Humankind has its scales and tests and things must be fully understood before they can be accepted, be it a child, man, woman, or thing. \For Humankind knows all things. HUmankind cannot see the starving / dying billions, yet the se all. When you are a part of something, as you are within it, and it is all water, well sense states you can find the correct water. When I started this little trip so long ago, I never imagined there would be that which is all things waiting for someone to finally figure it out, but in this world it is simply to late. The Inevedible is here, it has been held back but it's time has passed, but for how much longer...Amazing If you could understand, If you tried, you would need the SOMA, for your mind would catch fire. This knowledge resides on the very edge of human minds capability to understand. Henece why it all seems like follishness, that is the human mind adjusting to accept what is deemed Impossible through learning. There is nothing which cannot be done, nothing..the catch is figureing it out. I myself, unlike many others before me choose to chance the run for health rather than gold, thinking greed is bad, it worked. The ABilities are MArvel like, so incredible. As all know, well. how to say this, I have said it before but this time, so many others will realize. When you read what I myself write on this Internet thing, you can whooly feel me, that is no accident. For howelse would I be able to seek another, at least at that time. I can now seek globally at my will, I can effect the entire globe, I am experiementing. I did not want to do any darkness, although some have come looking and will not leave well enough alone, These ones have a very short existence now. When they said beyond the veil, it means beyond the humans mind ability to understand. I believe that the Human mind could not survive existance beyond the Veil, hence the Pictures showing a curtian pulled back and only a view..To try for more creates madmen. To state what we seek is everywhere is so very true, and I mean everywhere the entire universe, galaxies etc. the catch is we need it clean, Sea salt is better than regular salt, that is because there is an unatural twin there with it. Humankind has not looked, the twin is there with every grain of salt, in a lesser amount, want more, the twin sinks, unless distrubed then it again mixes. The Place you call Dead SEA, it has a higher concentration of the twin. Strait up in plain and no one will look..Humankind knows everything all ready. Can you fucken Imagine 8 billions Humans who get sick but just dont expire, and can make babies forever. There is 2 billion starving to death today and everyday. Good job. To be told this would certinly mean the end of all Humans know, might be intersting. It would be the end of the world, but I know where I am headed, Human kind just might destroy heaven within this realm..Although very unlikely not Impossible, and for a species which is as Humans are , It would not be surprising. Every world has its own special elixir, almost all worlds know it, this world not at all, and you were taught? On this spec, and within this realm we are water, there are an endless types of water, your grand Table of Elemnts would need a grand redo. You will not even carefully examine sea water, and it is so abundant..Most Amazing. I truly have spend many years studing the why, One of my many tasks here. What cause the lead species on this world to not look, where it was learned to look. I cannot figure out how, Many will say Organised relegion, but that alone could not be enough..FOR YOUR SPECIES WAS TAUGHT. It should have allowed for small isloated groups to come up and exist with the knowledge, Yet nothing anywhere. I successfuly found a mind one time, randomly, out of an amazing 8 billion...How? I fear nothing now, although being tied down is no fun, so I am doing what I was allowed, and well there will be Orphans. These Humans keep making choices which are clearly wrong, yet they choose to pursue it. Could I rid us of those bad humans, sure but where to start? Even where I am now, I could save some but Doubting Thomas is everpresent. Humankind chooses to die, such an odd Species,,I wrote them words correctly, Humankind chooses to die. Beofre you can be shown this, you must first be brough back to the beings you are, not the ones you believe you have become. Your a laugh, everywhere, and everywhere is without end. I am to find a way to save your kind, I have all but given up, I no longer look, If it runs me over, better for you folks. To the hunters, to late. All Blessings All

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