The Veil....

Things are never as they seem...Hollywood can make seem great. Seeing beyond the Veil, is a Perception change. Now wrap that around a Human mind, for Perception is all things, even thoughts. Memories which are not mine enter my mind, and they seem to appear as needed, when needed. It is neither good nor Bad and its control can be based on anything or anyone at anytime.Somehow fits with travel, unsure those memories have not completely surface yet, ugghhhh so slow here, takes so long. It truly seems that the knowledge being downloaded into me is accessible as needed, this upgrade has finally reached a point of some basic understanding. The Crazy has slowed or at least become understandable. A Strange ride many decades long. When I figured Out the Soma, that was about when my mind started to change, difficult to put my finger on, as it is the mind. It is as though you dont stop ever, becoming. I always expected an end, I now believe that to be wrong, it has no end, and back to is it a Blessing or a curse. I do not like the dark things, yet they are useful. Some have sipped and will also change, very very very very slowly in this realm, but they will change, More for our group of ARGO Naughts...Without end means, no real answer, just a progression.(R Correct) If I can get enough Salamanders, I want to try to travel en Masse. I got here, then we can go somewhere, there are many realms, endless would be a tiny amount, I know how to Travel, the Mayans are in my head. Like all else it requires more than one. Oh and that Detitcation level which has proven so very rare. Blind faith. There are things I do not speak of, as I do not want those memories to surface, too Dark. There have been Questions I dont answer for other reasons, to have this is to have a great deal of Power, a small accident could mean a Continent. i have come to speak openly of it, as Humankind for the most part is so darn Wise, they know everything, and would not even consider what I am stating, Odd not even enough consideration to check and see. Truly How did you make it this far? Ignore rather than review, It is no wonder you cannot see Nature, You don't bother to look. This is the reason I am ahead of all of you, I bother. I do as Nature, if it is not in Natures closet Naturally, then I do not desire to know it. A strange statement when one considers that Man knows all ! Sometimes watching can be fun. Blessings Friends

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