To be One is to be the One... but things are never as they seem..

I am ALONE..The realignment would have shown others if there were any. That is unbelievable. AN entire civilization which possesed this, has now none of it, not any of the knowledge. Your best make guesses based on Humankind's morals, beliefs, etc, and always they are sad. You knew it all, You had it all, the wells still exist, yet none of there knowledge, not even the simple easy stuff, we taught our very young children, not even some of that is left anywhere on your world? Your in much worst of a position than any taught. Even when I tell you strait what to do and how, you choose to either not do, or keep secret, so odd of a species.. You would rather die than share, many 100's of years you have proven this over and over. Everybody wants to know, I tell everybody, No one does correctly...well there has been a single one again this time, I was hoping for two or tree this time, with this fine connection system call the Internet, but nope. Being alone also means no opposition...Interesting...ahh but the old man would scold me directly, and that's never good...but things have changed...Yes they have , a great deal. The Alignment would have shown others, most certainly. One can be alone while with others, and can have the use of those others, and still be alone, There are things which are in place and require me to follow Instructions, many are designed to be achived by more than One, I am alone. I shifted the drawing lines of the rock and I was able to do it easily, no one showed There was to be others, it is very early and I have been noticed. There seems to be no others, not a single one anywhere on this rock, some are strong decedants that is obvious, but they carry No Knowledge, none. My Spouse here is the only true other, and shee is as she is, with the issues of these species. I need Direction, I can take care of myself here, but I am unsure how to proceed. Again. I shifted the Lines on this rock in this realm with only my bride, and there was not a bump in the road, my yoke was so very calm.\ I have said many times...F.Y.I You cannot get chemical info etc. from unknown substances, they need labs, a base, etc.. I am trying to get HUMANS to see what is in your water (above below all around.... it has been in YOUR water since time started and maybe a bit before that. Your species knows everything already, no need to try here.You cannot get definitions with unknowns. All of this is explained over and over and over all over this page as well as in my personal 13 years Alchemy Diary. Once you have steeped the water and obtained some unknowns...You cannot know what you have.. You must send me pictures and if it looks good then I need some to test...Or like many be secretive and keep what you find till you die. My Elixir cures death, every time for all who consume,a single drop. It is not Hollywood maji, it is Nature and as such is not seems maji only due to what it achieves. ( Many will learn this fact, hopefully for them, they can still find me in a lifetime or perhaps a few.) You can get some out of your apartment is in all water, although that source will have a great deal of dirt in it, and as it is fixed by mankind before it reaches your taps, you will need to steep a million gallons for a gram of unknown substance, and cleaning it will be a big will be surprised just how dirty your tap water is. Again I say..IT is everywhere, that there is water of any kind...Concentrations vary greatly depending on your water source. Wells and Springs exist everywhere on this planet, they were put there by Nature. Seek, for Christs sake just seek, and you will find. Steep 25 gallons away, and seee whats in your apartments tap water. I know hundreds of folks in apartments steeping right now for those things I seek, You can keep the gold dust, I dont want that. Most drive to a water source to pickup water, they tried their taps and it is pretty bad. Tap water, a great example of humans fixing things. Blessings Some ARGOspeak for you..Yep that's confusing. Goodliuck and Blessings..


  1. If what you require is in the water and they drink the water then wouldn't that mean that you require a tiny bit from each and every one of them who drink the water naturally

  2. If what you require is in the water and they drink the water then wouldn't that mean that you require a tiny bit from each and every one of them who drink the water,.. naturally.
