As this process continues, I expect certian things to occur, and on occasion they do not.
it is as though balance is incorrect, and that cannot be.The point we are at is ( my fav...The Dr...we are in a state of flux) we are inbetween the change back to regular, but time here is...3/4 of a million years = a second, Perspectives, from here it is just a bit warmer. Our entire universe is changing...expanding is what humans can see, but so much more is occuring, which is for the most part not mattering as the realm will always be, those within, well the realm will always be...I have found a way to have Our Protectors although it is .."WE ARE ASPI".Powerful Humans are difficult to control, although the ASPI's are scatterbrained they are powerful, most know abuse, bad abuse, the worst, at the hands of many humans, and yet are still filled with kindness, that is a very good thing for the rest of the humans. Gonna get Interesting.
I have found that when humans are presented with something so far off their way of thinking, they call it maji, and run...the fight or flight thing I believe. those which stay will be a part of our Protectors...doing things while no one can telll, or at least almost no one, and doing them on any scale.
Y'all know that when you speak with me on here, I read EVERYTHING about you, resume process. I can read anyone anywhere, control some, I AM KINDNESS, and will choose to remaion as such. That is a sense feeling I brought with me, I must reamin kindness. My Focusing abilities are improving as my current ASPI friends are quite good at allowing me to focus their abilities, I suspect this is what is allowing the Facebbok thing to remain sane, this time. I would cancel the Fcebopok thing with 1 billion members before I would allow unkindness, that will get no engine from me!
It is odd that no other has stepped forward, I sense some...I know I am not alone, and they now know me, but they only watch, and not like before , no watchers visible. it is as though what needed to happen has occurred and they now watch from far away. All of this remains unknown to me for now, I have trapped one long ago and found some information , but that mind was very well gaurded.i remember that well, it was stepped with confusion to mask it like scatter, ohhh Yes I am getting it old man, keep it coming...answers now...I am undertsanding they are...the other side of the mirror, but have many domains and can come and go as they please, changes will have been made, look for bubbles, things that are big and just dont fit, thise will be few, that small ones will be concentrated at the cetrer of the evernt...look for, gotta digest thjat...TY OM
1st time that has happebned on one of these things. I think my ASPI friends will digest this better than me, they seem to possessthat ability quite well. Something to do with the way it is processed by their minds...
All Blessings ALL
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