While we try to gain folks which can be shown how to see, the process has been brought down to an infants level, and some have been found, hope, with ASPI's My TERM, as ARGOspeak, My term, as SCATTER My Term.
Ist you have to be able to see what is everywhere and not only what is educated. nature exists, it is all around, above, below,,,,
your minds are alweays full of anything and always rush, by the time you have matured enough to have sone control, your dying. Your great stopper is Doubt, yes in Plain English, why not there is no one, nothing of anything left, again I say it, you starve to death cause you forgot food...How is this even possible? It will grow in the Desert.
I have been able to figure that as Scatter, what you have done to yourselves is outstanding, all this time in tadpole state while your minds belive your genius? Your best is Space and that is so little as to not be noticed by ...
Your species does not find as it does not look..your table of elements would mutiple by a power of 100, and your minds dismiss this as Impossible.
IMPOSSIBLE, the worst of humans, this word should not exist yet it is locked in your mind as in a strong box. There is a great deal our Creator could fix instantly but that would require the wash away of our free will and that is noit good, so troubling is human emotions, that we have wars, hurt each other without reason, not the hoped for result, but free will is both needed and a difficulty. Me I will try to find enough of you to continue beyopnd what is occuring right infront of your noses everyday and night and yet no a one of nothing seas it. by the time( time, ugghhh so slowe here)you see it, it will be much much to late, so if you think you can try the ASPI test, it need not be passed as it says. Know, We will see all of you, ALL of you when you try. (Fear or Flight , your term, often very often) I sense many minds expecting us to ask for money, good luck.
we have what we need. I have had to learn new ways, to hopefully find enough friends.
As this Universe expands(Your term) time expands with it, what happens to anything as you stretch it out? Why would this be different for time or space? ARGOspeak, no.
Your mind will not allow you to even grasp the concept, you will dismiss this entirely, most incredible.
All Blessings ALL
Reading where too?