
Hmmmmmmmm...How.....why.....where. so , so very much more. Existed on the other side for long enough to bring back clear memories, and a theoretical way to control a small part of it. Need to test , but need to go back to the land of the dead to complete test. Desire lacks...You are judged. Yes you are. different beings, very busy, with us humans. once they push you, and you go beyond their curtian, for an infintly tiny moment, that moment is yours, choose quickly and wisely 100% so far are to slow, lack of expectation, but I said they are quite busy. I made it only to the begining, was found and sent back, but the time there is a very clear memory. Everything is a nudge, on every level, these beings , we are very limited. These minds cannot accept things unless the are generally accepted by all, or at least a great many. I could explain this, but it is far into the Impossible, much to deep for the human mind to accept. again unless there was general acceptance. as Buddha said "All is Mind" Even there...A nudge is all and in a tiny fraction of that moment, is all you have..Interesting... To Nudge, there must be thought, and in the correct fashion, for to effect a small amount of minds within, needs to be correctly positioned. It does work and quite well, good or bad. It is Imposible, so no rules. There is so much free will floating everywhere. Gathering it and focusing it is troublesome, but the outcome wins. I have for now given up on the Facebook, as it is just crap. I could save so many, but everyone knows better. It will take me a few more decades, butI am getting there, it is hard for this mind, even when your me.. Dealing in the Impossible is difficult.. A Note...Your friend did not follow directions, He had to much to fast....Trama comes in all forms...
Had he had the 8 ounces as instructed, rather than 20 glasses, his pee would have cleared..etc..etc.. he would be with us today...sadness. 125% within the realm of Impossible. It is hard, but the Pudding proves through more and more with bigger nd bigger things. Those which are after me, are in very bad places, each one of them, and their are many, Not this time. My social skills lack greatly or at least I have been told by many. Saving enough of this species , means finding enough worth saving and not there yet, not even close. I ever strenthen, wether I want or not. I am scared of those things I do. I can hurt so violently, and quickly I can help just as fast, even with thought, it has become easier. it relates directly to how I feel. anger is a bad thing for many. Learning to control ones thoughts is really really hard. but "All is Mind"... effect is cause, and cause is effect, any taught creates waves in an endless ocean. guiding that is abilities. I used to call it fueling up when I went to church, now I understand it so much more... focus is important but on the correct thing is also Important, a white spot is wrong. Part of the reason I left facebook is I can see, sense, and feel, those things I can do, and FB brings out my darker side...There are so many dark many bad humans, everywhere. the world, there has to be an agenda, there always is, and it is always greed, but when I look I cannot sea it, the end game of this global immigrant endevor. Why , I cannot sea, it Intersting, someting, is stopping me, as I write I relize.Now I know, tonight I find you..We will talk, you never miss what you do not know, is true, Now I now you..Oh we will talk.I have found you. you better be some strong, cause I am coming and I am pissed. I know why there are no others, stopping use means you age back, The Juice and the oil will stop most things, and te Red water will make it go backwards, back time up in your mirror. When I died so did my organs kidneys and Liver, all has come back quite well. I will say having this era's dr's with their machines to look is quite nice. They know not what they sea, but it is very useful, for me. I have a possible case study coming for me, as I remain healthy in the worst of situations, I always bounce back, a cute term. It is helpful as my memries are cloudy, and I am my only 1st experiement.
It is the item which controls all others, yes that is as it seems to sound, 1 ring to ruke them all. mankind cannot sea it as the are soo smart. Their wisdom has no bounds, they are good, but it is like working with your arms and legs tied behind your back? If they would only listen or look. Sentient water, yes it does exist, and it can be created. How's that for crazy. Yet it remains true. AS a resukt of my dying, i am under Dr's care, just went to sea one, I am in fine shape...What they Think they sea, is not always what they actually sea. Their knowledge is limited by $$$, they will not study patients closely enough to treat them after they exit their campus, and as a result do not learn those things they need to know...A civilastion based on greed about to go to war, worldwide over coppers, and they will elimate many humans, that is quite sad. The Human species is getting what it orcastrated. It is sad all the other life forms have to suffer with you as well. I feel worst for the trees, what you have done... Humans suck, but it is not my opinion which matters, I am only his eyes and ears, Many decades ago I said there was water under the surface of mars, now I tell you what you will find at Europa will be quite a wonder for you humans, Quite a wonder. To know what I know of this world...makes many things humans do seem quite foolish, and by your station, they are magicial. Futuresight to the max,, storm coming around me....Wow best futuresight ever....I am still shocked... Will it be correct, always is. Wow
I have once again achieved balance, if I can hold it, I willl change yet again, but I lose it much more than I would like, as with a devil, what you call cats, my 9 lives are running out. I am my only 1st experiement. There is so much of this world white man does not sea. Names like, cloud spirits, tree spirits, sky whales, it is just a lighter water, less dense, and just you cannot sense it does not mean it is not there.some can sea us, they just don't bother with us, unless directed too. I am sorry about the head and blood diseases, but sometimes the cancer needs to be removed. All people relize what crossing me means, too late, just everyone. I beeged for this, I prayed I asked I got,It scares me those thiungs I can do to other beings, it is such now that it does not matterwhat it is a bird or child or adult, they do what I ask, most amazing, in large groups, and we never meet or talk, not even eye contact, though that makes it much more effective. I truly scare me, I can connect to any mind, anywhere, at anytime, the time thing is difficult and I am still learning that. Just BE KIND. AQUA

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