Our father Who art in Heaven....

First matter which is confined,  may your type be purified,   may your trueness show,  may what you are, become the purest,  within our solvent as it does within all things,  continue with us this day our energy,  up till now...

Notes to me...to you...to us...

The Knights of Centurion Solbirds sing aloud.. 
Am pup is akey, anything can be so, but to take so and give it preached rugs, 
well then it is much closer to heaven...

Flatroll... "Words hark" , "Yaw Only"... "Such torts" NoN "be cats place" !

Dear S

            I hope time finds you well, and darkness remains your friend.

           As I study this riddle, things become clearer, and sometimes something I have seen so many times mentioned, all of a sudden clears up...it's like I knew that, but the realization is so much clearer....Like all the rest of this, it is so hard to explain.. but remind me of it, and I just might explain, should you need me to.
You have proven a dedicated intellectual, with clear eyes and great ears, I thank you for that, may our knowledge continue to Increase together.

       I understand as I have said to you before why some, get it yet can not get it, so much in that statement said. I am not sure even knowing, can not completely guarantee s, as it seems there are recipe's for all things anyone could Imagine.
As we use our solvents and watch so closely our reactions, with our eyes in a darkness no one can comprehend, making these things come to light is a task which does make all of the sciences dull by comparison.
     When the wise man operates with his "shark words" on a soul to clean its heart,  he could clean it's heart with only a recipe of solvents, why then he chooses non, operating in his own skilled and painful way, it is easier they would say, but easier for whom the operator, or operatee?
   The mix of knowledge we study is more vast than the galaxies, or universe's themselves, and it is written by so many for everyone, it is this teacher we have created of our own sharks word, which can allow us to see with our eyes what indeed God had Nature herself do.
As I have said before, and will say again many times I can look at the tree everyday as I pass it back and forth, yet one day I see that particular branch, which I am sure I have seen so many times, and it has new growth, or is it me which has new growth perhaps, is it the water, but which ever it is, it is there today, that answer I seeked for so long, yet, but, how....
I see that tree every day back and forth ?
Is not can not fun, is not our majic good majic, with it's Instructions in time itself?
Now to go and move that mountain just a bit, not to much, the birds may notice....
I find it quite satisfying that we understand this as well as each other quite clearly, as we are ever so diligently removing that veil of wisdom, which hides such a great deal from our eyes and ears.
May you keep seeking for generations, my friend, cause sure as there is heavens I shall...


Hmmmmmmmm...How.....why.....where. so , so very much more. Existed on the other side for long enough to bring back clear memories, and a theoretical way to control a small part of it. Need to test , but need to go back to the land of the dead to complete test. Desire lacks...You are judged. Yes you are. different beings, very busy, with us humans. once they push you, and you go beyond their curtian, for an infintly tiny moment, that moment is yours, choose quickly and wisely 100% so far are to slow, lack of expectation, but I said they are quite busy. I made it only to the begining, was found and sent back, but the time there is a very clear memory. Everything is a nudge, on every level, these beings , we are very limited. These minds cannot accept things unless the are generally accepted by all, or at least a great many. I could explain this, but it is far into the Impossible, much to deep for the human mind to accept. again unless there was general acceptance. as Buddha said "All is Mind" Even there...A nudge is all and in a tiny fraction of that moment, is all you have..Interesting... To Nudge, there must be thought, and in the correct fashion, for to effect a small amount of minds within, needs to be correctly positioned. It does work and quite well, good or bad. It is Imposible, so no rules. There is so much free will floating everywhere. Gathering it and focusing it is troublesome, but the outcome wins. I have for now given up on the Facebook, as it is just crap. I could save so many, but everyone knows better. It will take me a few more decades, butI am getting there, it is hard for this mind, even when your me.. Dealing in the Impossible is difficult.. A Note...Your friend did not follow directions, He had to much to fast....Trama comes in all forms...
Had he had the 8 ounces as instructed, rather than 20 glasses, his pee would have cleared..etc..etc.. he would be with us today...sadness. 125% within the realm of Impossible. It is hard, but the Pudding proves through more and more with bigger nd bigger things. Those which are after me, are in very bad places, each one of them, and their are many, Not this time. My social skills lack greatly or at least I have been told by many. Saving enough of this species , means finding enough worth saving and not there yet, not even close. I ever strenthen, wether I want or not. I am scared of those things I do. I can hurt so violently, and quickly I can help just as fast, even with thought, it has become easier. it relates directly to how I feel. anger is a bad thing for many. Learning to control ones thoughts is really really hard. but "All is Mind"... effect is cause, and cause is effect, any taught creates waves in an endless ocean. guiding that is abilities. I used to call it fueling up when I went to church, now I understand it so much more... focus is important but on the correct thing is also Important, a white spot is wrong. Part of the reason I left facebook is I can see, sense, and feel, those things I can do, and FB brings out my darker side...There are so many dark humans..so many bad humans, everywhere. the world, there has to be an agenda, there always is, and it is always greed, but when I look I cannot sea it, the end game of this global immigrant endevor. Why , I cannot sea, it Intersting, someting, is stopping me, as I write I relize.Now I know, tonight I find you..We will talk, you never miss what you do not know, is true, Now I now you..Oh we will talk.I have found you. you better be some strong, cause I am coming and I am pissed. I know why there are no others, stopping use means you age back, The Juice and the oil will stop most things, and te Red water will make it go backwards, back time up in your mirror. When I died so did my organs kidneys and Liver, all has come back quite well. I will say having this era's dr's with their machines to look is quite nice. They know not what they sea, but it is very useful, for me. I have a possible case study coming for me, as I remain healthy in the worst of situations, I always bounce back, a cute term. It is helpful as my memries are cloudy, and I am my only 1st experiement.
It is the item which controls all others, yes that is as it seems to sound, 1 ring to ruke them all. mankind cannot sea it as the are soo smart. Their wisdom has no bounds, they are good, but it is like working with your arms and legs tied behind your back? If they would only listen or look. Sentient water, yes it does exist, and it can be created. How's that for crazy. Yet it remains true. AS a resukt of my dying, i am under Dr's care, just went to sea one, I am in fine shape...What they Think they sea, is not always what they actually sea. Their knowledge is limited by $$$, they will not study patients closely enough to treat them after they exit their campus, and as a result do not learn those things they need to know...A civilastion based on greed about to go to war, worldwide over coppers, and they will elimate many humans, that is quite sad. The Human species is getting what it orcastrated. It is sad all the other life forms have to suffer with you as well. I feel worst for the trees, what you have done... Humans suck, but it is not my opinion which matters, I am only his eyes and ears, Many decades ago I said there was water under the surface of mars, now I tell you what you will find at Europa will be quite a wonder for you humans, Quite a wonder. To know what I know of this world...makes many things humans do seem quite foolish, and by your station, they are magicial. Futuresight to the max,, storm coming around me....Wow best futuresight ever....I am still shocked... Will it be correct, always is. Wow
I have once again achieved balance, if I can hold it, I willl change yet again, but I lose it much more than I would like, as with a devil, what you call cats, my 9 lives are running out. I am my only 1st experiement. There is so much of this world white man does not sea. Names like, cloud spirits, tree spirits, sky whales, it is just a lighter water, less dense, and just you cannot sense it does not mean it is not there.some can sea us, they just don't bother with us, unless directed too. I am sorry about the head and blood diseases, but sometimes the cancer needs to be removed. All people relize what crossing me means, too late, just everyone. I beeged for this, I prayed I asked I got,It scares me those thiungs I can do to other beings, it is such now that it does not matterwhat it is a bird or child or adult, they do what I ask, most amazing, in large groups, and we never meet or talk, not even eye contact, though that makes it much more effective. I truly scare me, I can connect to any mind, anywhere, at anytime, the time thing is difficult and I am still learning that. Just BE KIND. AQUA

On Nudging..

Direct control is evasive. i have learned that I can nudge very large groups, in a specific direction, good or bad it seems. It is a strange thing to do, for one cannot be sure, even when it just occurs, over and over.
It is not who am I, it is what am I. I have a good idea, but like most of this, even when it proves itself correct, it remains in question. The mind does not like the impossible, even when it comes true. A great many on here. know this, so put on my shoes...I can now effect very large groups. Very Interesting, for all is mind.
As this human mind blends with that which ias all things, my experiements work out. This world, is small this body not of much use but for stuff such as this. This realm however, it needs an adjustment, you are bad beings. Those who are not bad beings will remain. it is what you have beg prayed and pleated for, is it not. Crossing my path means judgement, it is as it is. The when and how are the old mans, it will be permitted to occur. What I used to do for fun in malls, I can now do globally to any numberr of humns, soo fasinating. What I want occurs, good or bad, it is as though I tell faith its tasks.
Things....Got the regular dogs minds.. When the new pup comes for the occasional visit, he runs barks and acts crazy. I am learning how I am making these things occur, for to understand is to step up. Took me 2 days to grab the pup, not a good hold yet. Funny thing minds. the sharper the mind is the more difficult the nudge. Truly like Star Wars. I use some kind of calming, force. To create a comfortable space for myself, I did not realize I have bheen doing this for a long while. to attack me is to attack this, what ever This is, I can nudge it. We seem to be friends, wholly effective.wow. I believe I am the "Mule" These abilities, I shyed away from for decades, now they are taking over, It is as it is. Careful what you ask for. As a child I could heal, with my mind and effect things like local weather, I taught it was neato. So many instances. With the exceptance of children, there is not much of a point, All the wise Humans would rather die, than drink Juice. It is as it is. A beautiful realm, with one terrible all consuming destructive problem, HUMANS . ALL Blessings ALL aqua

The things unseen, yet known...

I have always feared this side of this. Now , well I must. The Deeper the meditation, The more I can do, alter the physical world, yes. to nudge, is to realize, the Impossible onto another.I find this much easier than I did before, that is on a strange scale. Hanging onto to it, that is what is hard. I am calling bats Hawks and owls to me, mainly flying creatures of the night, learning. While the other is in sleep, the scatter, cleans up , Harmonizes if you will and connecting and looking aroundf is quite easy. The more I learn the more I can achieve. Time here is quite slow, although it is not Linear, Not as it appears, sort of like nudging decades prior, I have found a new door into anyone anything anywhere, and it seems anytime as well...quite odd, this learning. While I have some ability , If can add words, Much better...or extreme Fear. Causing the dark ones to have fun is easy, for they are so eager. LONELINESS IS...for all things... Sadly, Jan(R.I.P) has taught me that, perhaps the red 1st in extreme cases, Blessings jan. I am following 33000 year old instructions and memories from...?These are my Teachers..... Faith/ That which is all things/ the Old man, they are my fighters, army, protectors, Guides... The stronger my focus, the more of you...
"I have lived some of your Life Events, while you slept. Learned this only a decade or so ago, much better at it now, and increasing a lot, fastly. I do this to try to understand this human mind which you are , i am, we are. All knew these, oh so basic skills, for we taugght you, and you taught your young. This era, not a one of nothing of you, ( You abuse the Female, ( The one which bears your young) You are Cruel.
You treasure gold above all other things. Imagine a place where all things exist together, feelings, emotions, taughts, that is your heaven, Here is a privilidge. The memories teach me. I can nudge such that the world responds, not the humans not directly, but the rest..Best words, anyone want to learn?? HEAVY ARGO cannot help it, no pun intented. To Plant a taught is too..
Physicalize it, for it must become, it is easier as you lean how too.ask my qpffreiends. It all exists to you"Beyond the viel" Your own rules, cause you to be blind. Y'all put it away, and ignore it, and suffer and die? Once near death, it all chnages, it my early time... All Things Are Mind...Buddha. As my understanding, no wait...As my "complete acceptance of all things consider not posssible" increases, so do my abilities...wow. The more my mind accepts of the Impossible the more I can do, the stronger I become... It is this mindaccepting as really real, all that which is considered, beyond the Veil/ impossible. It has taken my mind many decadesto....and still no words.
I could draw you a picture. ALL Blessings ALL aqua

What is an Alchemist.

What is an Alchemist. Many ask this. An Alchemist in my humble opinion is one who has the ability to bend time, space, etc to his will. I can nudge quite well, bending is coming. Using ones will to craft is easy enough once trained, but the trained minds of this era are just lost. Nothing but greed and Lust. Cause is effect, and effect is cause. Doubt will cause you to "Do not pass go" Pride will cause errors...Sometimes so big as to extinguish a light, I am sorry , Fear is ammunition. Using anger is much much easier, than Kindness. Lacks the level of control...Cause is effect kinda rough, but effect becomes cause all the same. Sorta like flying through a thick glass window at 30 MPH with your body. You do get there, much faster, and .... Love is powerful, Yes it is, But it is rare. Greed and Lust are common. Vanity can be fun, but it too has a price. This teaches Gluttony, for all to understand. ALL this you must understand to effect your space, for what is yours is known, what is not is not. Yea...ARGOspeak Could also be Titled.. How to do maji. ALL Blessings ALL aqua

Sadness...Lost, my Friend....Back to the Sea without end...

I personally have numerous decades of this, I have caused many humans t not die.
Ihave defeated death itself, on plenty more than one occasion... I am Very Sad, Jan has Passed, and he had a grand amount of my medicines within him. There are a great may things which occur, which I am not in control of, The Old Man is. I tried long distance, over the Internet... It appeared as though they did all things correctly. He started to heal, then it seemed to change? Had I been there, No rather, if he had been here, perhaps it would heave been the correct outcome? I know what I ma and I know what I can do. I have never before missed, and there are many. The difference, he was not beside me, he was far away. That has had success before, many times, many humans. Theram, you and your lady will be very healthy. You will live to a very old age. It will be a very long time before I figure how I missed, but time being mine, I have a lot of it. I will know, for even those who are strange enoughto speak against me openly, have forthemselves experienced my healing...even if it was just a headache removed. I have healed with a look, I find that to be draining, but easily replenished on any sabbath. I can at this time only think the old man had a different view. Never before, I Pray Never again. It is Nature I possess, and the knowledge granted me of NATURE...No Magic, I remain sad...
Jan is once again in the sea , where there is no time, or emotions, of free will. A turn granted , ended, against my wishes. Never Before, I pray Never again All Blessings Friends.. A Special Blessing upon Jan. aqua

ME...I asked, I begged.....

This world and this mind.. Such things can be done, for "all is mind" Nudging is easier wehen it is a desire... My mind is always on fire, since just before the Pink Moon... Reaching needs focus, Your scatter shows your desire... Yes ARGOspeak, a Grand Amount... I can almost reach anytime, no words which are not impossible... Removing headaces is what I learned years ago... Awareness of me, allows for slides... As I have stated for Decades, this side scares me... When it is really real, (as a child would say), the mind is confused... Grasping that known as Impossible and holding it in ones hand, is a very different experience, it hurts the mind, a Grand amount. A grand numbers of times I have heard the Doctors state , it is the end, they are done.. All of them I still know, a few quite well... Still need doctors for the basics as we are almost normal, we just heal from all things... ALL those things taught to not renew within the human, does renew within us. When balance is perfect, healing is fast and clean as with a child, forever, no matter the years... Sumerians were cooked by those which watch us in this current era... Your grand technology, cannot see them, they are many... I clearly remeber sliding backwards, I have written of it... Only a tiny piece of my memories came with me... It was like waking up, at a choosen point and not choosing that which, I should have choosen.. I would not be here now. A Destiny point, you would call it... ALL Blessings ALL aqua

I am become...

How to use words? WHat is occuring is as though I am become, a slightly different being. PERCEPTIONS are your good and bad, for all is mind... Good and Evil are simple what your species, wants it to be... the choice matters little.... The action can matter greatly...good or bad, Light or darkness. Choices.. I am causing to reflect that which is being attempted to be done to me by a small group of fools... Their timing sucks.... They know this, for I have another new friend, right Omar... The headaches are just the beginning for you within this realm... Some offspring will have blood issues which have no cure, other than me... I have known some who have chosen death, some very close to me, it is very hard for the mind to accept, a grand amount... To have all your cells be replaced by what is essentially water, is a wild ride...Yes it is... Some of you know the healing, some of you are getting there, all of you are scared... I can reach easily any mind, anytime...It has been happening for some of your decades, but now so exponentialy stronger and focusable, and directable and controllable..Love it, but holy wow.... It is that It would seem, not only can I reach any mind...I can take control, have things I want happen..That my friends scared me some of your decades before, now it is easy for me...not as scary, but many many times more...I know to respect it...Sadly some are not here who were an error, for it is my early days... Friends there is no real Good OR evil...It is all choice... dress and look ,feel, act as you wish... Not a one of nothing of you know anything about this...so odd, You were taught... Blessings Aqua

I am sorry....

I am here. , many know me.. If the headache has started and has not been pronounced cancer...Yet. Then I would suggest you ask for forgiveness from the Holy Spirit, for that is who controls that...The headache and cancer ,,That is ALL ME. as It states..I am sorry. You will not cause me harm and walk away, nor will your families, Leukimia is a terrible childhood disease. Remember it is not me which you must convince, it is that which is all things. I truly wish you the best. It is all crazy but the darn pudding keeps proving out 100%, everytime.. My abilities are such that I can bring any man to his knees right in front of me, without touchng him in any way, I can sense multiples coming soon...I go to events, and unusualy there is no violence, 2 years now, no one notices.. For them it is odd they know not why...I do.I simply will not tolerate nonsense combined with any level of violence so ...A slight nudge and no one gets upset...There are 100's there. I can also heal with a stare now, stop all kinds of occurances, like customers, but remmeber the headache..ask or suffer. Healing with looking is draining so I do not do it...although I have, and likely will do so again... You folks are in complete control..Enjoy Good Luck aqua

Will, ham...

How to stae that which is.. It is Yet, it is not.. To design with your own will, it is hard fot this mind, to accept, even when it is this mind which does it..Owww my brain hurts. I am here enougfh to do as I wish, I have sent darkness upon many, as they wish it upon me....Bad idea...I said long ago, by your measure here, that I would say when I knew I could protect myself against all things. This time is here...If you read me, and know me, and wish darkness upon me, such as , "we will get you" things like rules bending...Small things...They are all reflected back upon you 10 or 100 fold....Please , go ahead and try....If you try really hard, you will gain a headache, it will quickly become cancer, you will be gone in 2 years time....I can save you, come ask? Be very Kind. Do not think badly of me. I saw this coming long ago, I wondered what it would be like? I now wonder if it will be like all the rest of this,a non stop better and better experience...I can effect any mind, anywhere, even it seems there is door for past points, slight nudging...Odd.like altering someones decision in the past, it is afterall , all within the mind, and as buddha said.."All is Mind"....Everythingf is alive..Asimov was correct. there are a grand amount of beings here, all are kind, with humans being the exception, I hit back, in ways that cannot be lawed up. I am that which you dream of and night and wor.....I am that which you cry to for ...I am that which you curse, only this time, you will not....I askedfor this, I prayed for this, I begged for this, I am this.....All things have a price, do they not, so when you make any choice which involves me, be kind. I said many times tied to the earth....It is as it is....some moments I am everywhere r just somewhere else..Odd new as so much stronger than before... Ramblings....ALL Blessings ALL aqua

There are No mistakes, Just happy little accidents

This title was written by an american artist on TV , I enjoy watching. I was reminded by Brian that I am just Human like everyone else. As I have said for years, when I sea stuff, it is cloudy, I do not get a clear image, to read until it gets close to the time, it occurs. I have no idea how this is working, it just happens. Sometimes like everyone my dreams come true, I call that futuresight, My own term. It goes beyond that, and I try to sea threw the fog keeping it scattered, Yes it is scatter and it clears. As a result I will many times say something, I sea, however, as I have said many times, when I am certain I state that, when it is a guess, I state that. One thing I have tried to do, is be as open as makes sense, with all things, you folks don't getit? If I state I a certian, that means I have seen it very clearly. Currently I sea a grand amount of darkness, I have for the last 5 years... There is a thing which is to occur and it is bad and it is to occur to this entire world I sea some safe areas, and I am in the one I sea as the safest. I do this one by looking for the destruction and how much there is, if it does not seem all burnt and dead, I consider that a good place. been seeing it a while, yes it changes some. How is my mind even dealing with this, it is occuring to me daily, and nightly, yet I am not Insane, or it is all a dream. My mind hurts. How can I know things, and do things, I make choices which seem to effect many yet I do not quite understand it. Wow all this in plain, but you will only sea foolishness. I can be in a mall, and compell many of the people, better than 60%, to just walk into and fill a store, then empty the store, and do that over and over till my brain hurts...what the how...but it is what I do for fun now...Like really I am typing this, and I don't believe me. I would speak about the crows, but even I dont think I am doing that, yet it is done. The very young...(Long ago in my blog) look backwards, I know why they stare at me...figured that out, makes no sense...like all of this yet folks are no longer dying. I have a human mind yet it seems the stuff coming in is meant for a mind which is simply more. My Brain Hurts...I do not get headaches, and can remove them with a touch.(Many, Many,Many know this...) Darkness is a lot easier, so yea, thats is the other side. I have found that it all has somewhat of a price, it can be negociated, but a price all the same, I am happy I have kept away from the dark, but it is coming for all of us. I am also happy i went after the health rather than the gold, for there is no one else left, anywhere. I am it, or so it would seem. for the church to not know has been a shock to me, but by now they would have shut me up if they were hiding it still. I believe they hid it so well, they forgot what the popes Knights found for them so many decades ago. To live multiple lifetimes is not difficult, especially if you lead with kindness, so many things I have learned. When I know something, and I am certian, I wll state that I am certian. Sadly, the darkness still comes. I forgive almost everyone, as I have a good idea what happens when I do not, and that statement does not include those things I can do, the abilities, I don't believe me I can do, Yet I do them headaches 100 times per year. Being this being, me, is as being in a confinment where to do what you need to do is labourus and requires many , yet it was to be that way...it should be easy and ready and to do it should have been an evening thing, yet now it is simply not possible. When I nudge groups of folks, a common denomenator is needed, and they must never sea the picture they are within. Whenwe are young, our cells regenerate very fast and constantly, but there are those that do not, Brain cells, are some which age and replacing them is not like switching up a cancer cell, which is easy. I do not know how this occurs, what I know with certianty, is that so far the score is 100%. Every single time..The cancer is there, drink the juice or use the oil, cancer is as though it was never there. I have sent a friend in Denmark some sands, he will be healthier soon. I do try, really old one I do, and will continue.. ALL Blessings ALL aqua

Uggghhhh..Even Futuresight hurts...

I can now see beynd the junture, even some lite details... I sea the start, I sea the end, I do not want to look at the middle... Your species is good at being cruel, so good at it, that Every single person EVERYWHERE will get to experience some. The Darkness coming, is that which you will do to yourselves, without reason, just cause. War lowers numbers but raises greed well. Unlike disease which lower numbers but causes devestation. They are setting the world for one rule, this will not end well for anyone anywhere..so sad.

For the AURA readers, "Scatter" and a note...

Many, and I do mean quite many. know that I can read anyone from anywhere as I wish. AS I have found a Rose, which is better,stronger, than the last... I am once again changing, I can see and feel the Scatter y'all make, so much more, and it is more defined. I can sea, the scatter now, at least some, this is what AURA readers sea. It is like a 1970's mood ring toy, as it changes with mood expressions. Cloud produce a color choices for those who can sea. Your scatter , Once I know it, I know it forever, no matter your location. It use to be that, it was everywhere all the time, took a decade to learn to block it, then to funnel it to individuals, and learn to use it. Now it is a tool. If I can remove a headache, with a swipe of my hand...and darkness is easier, how hard would it be for me to put a headache in that scatter. I am very good at protecting myself. Note: Trees rocks, walls, everything produces Scatter, all has emotion... Y'all just cannot sea it, cause y'all just don't care...so sad... No one ever wants to play my game. That makes no difference, I can climb into any mind anytime and look around. Many know this... You can feel what I write. That is on purpose by me, I assure y'all. AS my new Rose alters me yet again, my abilities are exploding. up to now,all I could really do was slight pushes on weak minds, now it seems that is changing for me on a grand basis. My protections are such that their is a large group with bad things occuring within their human skulls, and, not a one of nothing of them know why. Wronging me is 10 fold return and very bad for all...I will not alter this. Kindness on the other hand is 100 fold return. All Blessings Friends aqua

Me and My Troublesome mind...

For the last decades, have been fighting off aqua. I have beeen losing, my fight if it can be called that, it is coming to it's end. St.John said it best, "one man leaves and another takes his place". I can feel it occuring. It will release my mind, I do not know exactly what that means My mind and body are altering in a way that is new, to me. It scares me, I am still resisting , although it has never been enough. I had to learn to stop hearing the Scatter Y'all make, that taught me how to hold some of it use it, etc...it goes forever. Seems so long ago. I have told everyone the what how, where ... Yet Not a one of nothing of you can sea...so Odd. I am only slightly a fan of what you call abilities, yes, they scare me. You tell someone what they are thinking, and they get all silent and concerened. Always they run. I can't help it, I am what I am. I am becoming more and more the new guy. odd even to me. You see what I look like but have you looked close, I can be 25 or 55 years on your scale, I have found about 35 to 45 is an appearance well accepted. When you look very young, you are treated as such, and that has contains more Bad than Good.So hard to believe and accept that I just typed those words and they are correct...wow. For the Look close at my skin , friends, I can be many people with ease. and not much hollywood needed... A nice thing I have learned, quite minor but fun to toy with, and I have gotten good enough that with the ad of the abilities, I can disappear, anytime anywhere, and that can be quite handy. For the most of it I can, control my enviornment, but sometimes I get wronged by someone. Faith is my avenger for the most part. Yes some are gone, a few to many I would say, especially the young one, but I did not know, I am sorry. Your minds, even the well trained ones are things I can drive like a car, you just need to let me, and y'all do, but it is so indirect, even for me , were it not for the constant result always proving the pudding, I still find it hard to accept.Those who wrong me move on within 2 years, puding way to many times...I shall however not remove my protections for in this time and place it will be different. Your species will learn if there is too be only 2 and we restart, you will once again learn. I was born a lot like you, I slowed the process, but could not stop it, I learned things to aid it, all while trying to run from it. It has become me, and is doing so daily more and more. Think of it along these lines, oh so young ones...When looking at a star, but if you look right strait at it, it vanishes, so you need to look beside where it is to be and then only can you see it. I sea the world in the old way, a lot now. This is what I mean. It is ARGOspeak as it is clear, just not to your well trained minds. Once you know how something truly works , it can become odd. The mechanisiums in place are what Biddha said.."All is Mind" In doing that which is what Buddah said, doors open, some I reclose, but none close fully ever again, it all seeps through, I have learned to use it all quite well. Thank You Very Much Old man. many of those doors I can open and shut at will. What a neat statement.although they never again fully seal. Good or Bad, Unfortunately. To say it has become my life is a grand understatement, for it has taken over, and does so more daily. For me to choose to step back now is a very difficult thing, but it is my early days. ALL Blessings ALL aqua

FREE WILL...An Oddity, which should not exist....

We are told of the CREATOR for most of us, as young children, in one form or another. We are told we have FREE WILL, by the same everyone's. Here is tyhe Oddity, How? Why? There is a funny thing which i have found.. The Computer map services are everywhere.. You could not take a pee in the forest without being on a picture somewhere.. yet there is NO WAY to locate NATURAL springs, which you can fill bottles from, with the exception of the old way..."Word of Mouth". This one I find interesting..cause it is Impossible. Anyone who tells you of a spring is passionate and loves how it makes them feel, to consume that water from that source... It is a constant everywhere, and I cannot fathom why? The sources are somethuing only few speak of...and with a clear feeling of aprehension. It is so odd.. It is like old stories of Creatures living under bridges, to scare the children ,bridges fall down, not a safe place tyo play This feels like those stories but with all of humanity? It is odd, and it remains a constant. All of which should not be. As though there is an influence ??? But but, I would sense them / it.... Beyond the Veil, Not possible? It should not be so rare to find or speak of, that is beyond the Veil. Perhaps a marker of somekind. but with all humans... something done and accepted which is beyond the veil, and is current, is ... but, all Humans? Jesus Christ, I mean ..how /? all the species, Wait this would break the FREE WILL ...it would break it... It would not qualify as instinct, or any other reasonable thing.. The entire species... And without an ioda of awareness of it... Simply Oblivious, to it across the entire world, and for all of time...so trillions upon trillons..WOW I have been to many places but for fun, Wayne oboogle would be able to certify it where he is... It most certainly vilolates the free will thing.... Always in the simple...right in front of everyone's nose... No one looks , especially now a days... Good words, just...somewhere else... another time... Blessings Friends Aqua

Those things we do and do not sea...

It is normal for humans to shoot off with the word vomit right away. Humans will always respond quickly, as though they want to somehow justify what they have to say or answer as true. an Example: It is normal for Courts everywhere to record every little thing, sneezes, coughs, rubs eyes...the Stenographer writes it down, The one thing not tracked is time....How ,long did it take to answer that question....no court records it.. SO TAKE THE TIME TO THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK....it is not unusual.. Take a small baby put it on a nice blanket on the floor, give every female a pencil and paper and ask them to draw the baby as best they can...NO 2 WILL EVEN BE CLOSE TO THE SAME...SO ONE SEA's / percives, the world and EVERY LITTLE THING IN IT THE SAME, WE DO HOWEVER ACCEPT MOST OF IT, AS THE WAY IT IS. (big one here.) There is a grand amount, right in front of your eyes not a one of nothing of you see? Y'll have so many names for it. Majic. Readings. blessings. arts. good and evil. 1000's of names, y'alll wanted to give it names, we encouraged this, it was a wrong choice...so much lost, forgotten. Today, your wisdom means, all of it exists in the Impossible, which is ********** for your mind to accept. THIS IS WHY YOU SEE NOTHING BUT FOOLISHNESS. AGAIN I SAY,TO Y'ALL, YOU CAN TELL SOMETHING IS THERE , IT IS JUST THAT....UHHGGG SOOO CLOSE, YET...NOT QUITE... A trap of your own making, for your own minds... Silly Humans... WOW

I am a child of Fullcanelli...

It is his studies, my mind can filter through to get, the information needed. I am always seeking my elements. I have it, although using it to accomplish something as simple as Eternal life has proven to require balance. I have caused my body trauma, as I am my only experiement. On 2 occasions I have been shaking hands with death.By the rules of Modern medicine I should be dead, all carefully documented on their medical computers, Amazing.They are too busy to notice me, Amazing. As I remember, discover, learn, dream, all of this, it does bring me to the old man, for he is the only one who can answer my questions, and he does, but this Human mind has it's issues understanding. For it is all beyond the Veil...this means, it all exists within the Impossible, so for human minds it is beyond difficult, why I am not a complete crazy, I cannot explain.It is impossible, silly, makes no sense, That is correct, The Human mind... I know, and can do things, wow. I have tried to let others know that I have found, 1000's of new elements, Yea that is correct, The correct words, If only any Human would listen, but barely 1 in 100000. Amazing. You know that foil, we can make some if you will only listen. Ahhh. but it is easier to let your civilisation expire, Humans? How do I get someone to listen? If you look, all of the great human minds looked at the old books, they could see something there, but not quite, It is beyond the veil, in the Mind realm of Impossible. Einstein, Newton, etc... To know the Old man, is to accept, NOT what a man says, but what you know to be kindness and live with kindness. Be true to Love and caring, and together Humans can achive it all, but Y'all seek Gold, always and it is more Important than your offsping, which is unknown anywhere else. What it is is Water, Just of an Old type, which existed everywhere at one time, but Time no matter how slow or fast changes all things. I recreate the old water, and water , well, it is above, Below, all around, and within, is it not? I also believe, someone is lying to humanity, for why is D2O and Deterium Not on the Table of Elements? Ask a University Proffessor, any University proffessor. The Fact that they are not on The Table of Elements in of itself speaks to something being known and kepy hidden, or perhaps, kept hidden so well as to have been completely forgotten. It is as your children of the 1960's in America would say "star fuel", The fuel of Creation itself, that God Molecule, in abundance, for it creates any cell needed but must be replenished. Want to not die, no matter how sick, no matter the disease, contact me and we can talk.I have no objection to healing you, and all it requires is for you to meet me and drink 1 large glass of tasty juice.Then go on your own way, and when the disease comes back, come get more. You will always need more, about every 18 months, therefore I will see you every 18 months, and as a result you will be healthy for as long as you choose. As with all things the proff is in the pudding, hence why it is free to you all. Just come here to Florida with your illness, and it will go away. I enjoy healing chilren most, bring them by, it is just juice. There is one who is willing to speak of what has occurred to him, he has and is healing, Daniel ST George on the ALCHEMY101 Facebook page. I have been noticed now, and things will change, I do want to heal. All Blessings ALL Aqua

Just some notes...

I 'am me, what does that mean, wow still figuring that out, doubt it will ever end. I write here, and read most comments and try to reply. There is on occasion some who jump on with a solution and carry on for a while. The Human mind is odd, There was a time when words were not used, except on special occasions, or say with Mother...ahhhh You still have that ability, you have put it away completely in your Impossible closet, that closet is so full... So Odd. Me well I have it across this computer thing. "A GRAND NUMBER OF YOU HAVE FELT ME, DIRECTLY. MANY OF YOU HAVE HAD, CALL THEM DREAMS SHALL WE..." I reach wherever I think I need to, for I need another. Truly, Just an ability every human possesses, but y'all know better, and die around 80 years. I leave the ramblings up, and do not delete them for they are a fine example of .....of what, what are you now? Humans are certainly more primitive than their ancestors in every respect except Technology. I must be here, I made my agreement, but I do not like it. I will honor with all I am my volunteer position for the task I am to complete. Always and Forever I am 2nd.... Always you 1st old man, Your Humble and obedient servant. Aqua Here's a time based Fact, No one of nothing can prove... The Sumerians, upset the wrong species in the realms of THREE.. They were eliminated, using Nukes, Yes Nukes. The Entire surface of the world was Nuked, over and over and over, Then some time went by and we were here...Maji, Atlantians..Some survived , but no Tech, and all but Zero Knowledge, Now we are here. The Sumerians knew the Base Element, so they traveled and knew many species. Those Species still watch your Entertainment, as you fight your wars...etc...So sad. Just my Mind. ALL Blessings ALL Aqua So delicate is the thing called the human. You don't understand, but you truly are a bag filled with water...and Truly nothing more. Your Vanity, has given to Greed all it needed to Dam your civilization. You do not know your base element, such that you have never seen all those things that can be. If I were to show you now, you would truly weaponize it and do grand bad things, on such a scale as your minds cannot perceive. This is a world of three, so 3 leads to 3 and so on.. Not a one of nothing of you, know what I speak of, and it can be seen on Google....WOW. Your Hubble has shown you worlds of 6 and 8, you have the images, you just do not know what you are looking at...So Sad. Our sea is big, beyond the minds comprehension, but it is tiny, for the seas, are without end, forever. One merly needs to drink from the correct source, and the sea will provide. Y'all have experienced it, but know nothing, Y'all call them miracles... When your mind cannot understand, you turn it off. You say the words that your trying, but that is after your mind has turned it off. So Sad. You say flight or fight , I say Run or Turn Off. Y'all won't fight even some, to learn. Your minds can do better, but not a one of nothing of you will actually try, for really, real. There are always many options looked at when we come back, this has never been seen anywhere before. You were taught, and today 8 billion beings, not a one of nothing that has a clue. Most unimaginable even by us... A new entry for our book, congratulations. SO Sad, your done, and I am to find some worth keeping, sadly, Not likely. When I 1st got here, there was time...Now even as slow as it is here, your done. All Blessings ALL. Aqua

On Spiritual Transformation....

I find myself to not be myself, it is a difficult place to write from. ST John said it best...(one mans leaves.....) The being I am now is not the being I started out as within this realm, and I know why and who and how, but the slowness of time here is such as to give much to much time. Each of you barely exist, some 80 years, and your wholly DUM... How can you have forgotten it all? It was Expected but it was to have been prevented, and now to save y'all... WOW such a task given and only with a like being's body and very limited abilities. and to add..with all/100% of the knowledge removed from your history and hidden, to be forgotten. All in an effort to control y'all so some may get their greed, therby signifying their great power? On some days, within this....I truly feel like saying goodbye, what you've done was unimagineable. As i continue to alter this being, I find it to be stronger and stronger, I am relearning the ancient alphabeth, so I can read what I have missed over a few...... Then I can assess. Like so much of your worlds history it exist in complete detail, and is kept hidden, for a multitude of reasons, not a one of nothing is worth a breath. Your a very odd species, You can have will and do Kill your own offspring, regularly, another fine thing unknown till your kind. Old one, are they really worth it, take a few and restore, see if they re evolve on another world somewhere, and give this beauty to some who will be right to it. If they do not they are so DUM they are fully unknown and no one will even know they were, there will be memories within the sea, but they will be limited...
A long time, nothing yet found to give them worth. ALL Blessings ALL Aqua

So Much Different, but soo Much...all in Plain, tiny bits of ARGOspeak

Well, Here I am, awake now. Took many years, decades, etc.. Sommuch new, Health of this being 1st. I like this device, sort of a keep of notes. Not much I cannot do now, the Balance is a great issue, in this age. as there was a time when it was just part of being here, that would be the ones you call Summerians. One day I will write on them, I have some good memories, I can go get, same with the one which seems to thrill you, Atlantis..Twas a Volcano and it blew up...Not much of nothing left. Took this mind a long time to connect the dots. at least the dots which begin this task. I asked for this, I begged for this, I prayed for this, It now scares me a grand amount, but I am new to this being and the adjustment time required is very slow here. I will define my being for y'all. I am what might be called the 3rd adam... whether i want the job or not, it is mine for Eternity or as long as the old man wants me here. no one listens anymore, Not a one of nothing of you... It seems to become to hard for all humans for the last thousand or so years. It is true you live in an instant world, where your desires are instantly satisfied and still that is just not enough, while there are others which live with so little that they starve, as they walk by a plant with so much protien that it can feed them all. It grows at deserts edges and was at one time persuaded to grow along the edges of deserts everywhere for it is food. Your Technology could have such things as to go many millions of times beyond their wildest thoughts, it is directly on the tip of your nose, yet you cannot sea it. Not a one of nothing of you will do anything to help your species, all must be Greed and Marketing for numbers. It is too late to tell your kind but I would show Elon Musk... If told the earth and part of this universe would cease to be, your a war like.... Imagine being able to do almost anything to anything..yea...from anywhere.. I believe and this is me only, that 2051 shall be your species last days. Can that be changed, sure become kind to one another and help everyone, not one eception... Something I think which in Human minds exists, behind a Veil which y'all have created for yourselves. I'am no longer me,( I hear that cry in my mind from the one who was here, it is far away now) and it seems as though that which was mine is less than that which is my task, I have Interuptions and they are uncomfortable making, but this realm is so slow. That which is all things will 1st protect itself, and although your free will is Interesting, your desire for strife is causing this to become Imbalanced, as will be fixed. Some of you who Meditate, will know the sea, yea that is where we exist except when we are here, that which your seek, is it a red semi transparent wholly powerful water type. Look for the one drop, and find that which you seek. My mind can now find the words, yet for most it stills seems like ARGOspeak. "Times they are a changing my friends" Dylan...A good writer. ALL Blessings ALL Aqua

The 2nd Child...& now 3rd child...Healing Autisum

The 1st child was 17 and barely functional, today she is very very close to normal I carry pride for that, even though it truly is not me, I am the processor only, the Old Man is the truth. The 2nd Austistic child, has Improved dramatically in 2 days, considerably less uncontrolled emotional vilence. Another grand adventure has begun... TO BE CONTINUED... The 2nd child is healing at an alarming rate, her mind is healing. At this point I believe she will heal completely. The first child is for the most part, healed. The good news I think, there is now a 3rd child. He will be Interesting, and is in the same group. This may get me noticed, it is early but huhhh.. he is the 1st Autistic Male to drink that which the Old Man taught me to make. Although I know I have been through this many times, it is always new ish.... Someone find me my Rose...FULVIC MINERAL" My mind contains such things. In the simple, your barely at Infancy, you lost / forgot it all. Your all to clean, your missing some minerals and of course all those other things which make those minerals/ carrots fully processable by your bodies. The Brain cells are just being completed now, the missing Ingredients are there.
My favorite remains Cancer, completely vanished overnight, 1 big glass. Ton be continued...

Creation .....

How we became is unknown but a timeline, your minds will NEVER believe or accept. 1st Memory is of being....everwhere, all the time for I am water. (From within this realm I can control all things, although from outside the realm I can be effected.) Those you call Sumerians were the next ones to come of a civilizeed style. Each realm has a door, 3 sided door here, 8 sided on jupiter, different.. Don't make a mistake when travelling. The Outside was made bright white and we changed, that which you call a star was no longer REd, the bringer of Light, has made it all white. The wave which came from our star, ripped our atmosphere apart and caused a Great Flood, and washed the surface of Mars clean, no atmosphere left there at all. End of Sumerians, restart with what was left, a Summerian you call Noah gave y'all the info, Y'all were even taught and now it is all gone..." Most Amazing Look carefully at the walls in the caves in Iceland... ALL Blessings ALL Aqua

Just Notes to store here...Aqua

My Fellow Salamanders. Many here want to Learn..OK. 1st YOU must teach your mind to absorb this knowledge. WHY? Because this knowledge is completely unknown, and as a result, is 100% within the IMPOSSIBLE. No matter how much you desire to know, your mind will take the time it takes to absorb this information. Until that happens, YOUR MINDS will read it all and see it as foolishness. The best way I know to defeat that Gorgon, is to read or look into that which you want so much to understand, and do so OVER and OVER and OVER....until your mind hurts, then do it a few more years and if your lucky...really lucky, your human mind will allow you to see that which is really out there, right in front of your nose. AS Plain as I can Make it... ALL Blessings ALL Aqua Read the blog..not secrets.. Beyond the human minds, capability barriers... Barriers put in place by humans. ( A grand amount like teaching children to fear things for their own safety) Your minds are well indoctrinated into what is an acceptable way to live an average of 80 years. Y'all forgot the basics.. A million of you walk by food growing everywhere, while starving... YOU FORGOT IT ALL ! Blessings Freind Fellow Salamanders Now that I have it. What is next, well it is said by many that to know is to fear God more. I believe that means the level of knowledge which becomes, the understanding of ..hmmm..standards and patterns which lie every so slightly beyond the human minds capabilities. Not cause it cannot, cause it is taught,,,same as your hatred of each other for color and looks...so far beyond foolish as to be below any animals, or mammals. A civilization so warped that it has eradicated itself.... ( Y'all cant tell yet, Oh, but Y'all will be able to tell soon, Enjoy Humans) And y'all believe what I say to be fantasy...WOW Even the Old man is surprised, not an easy accomplishment, be proud, you ave brought yourselves to extinction. WOW Humans??? ALL Blessings ALL I will not allow anyone to constructively reach me. Remember ( Good wishes for me = 100 fold the same returned to you.) ( Bad wishes for me = 10 fold the darkness for you. Please don't.) Write here 1st and we talk, then we communicate. It is INTERESTING, I hear many, but requests written here publicly 1st. All Blessings ALL my Friends AQUA I am Aqua.... Some Quite Strong minds are Joining our community. Welcome It is required that Kindness rules. Some have met the one I call the "Old Man." Any being only wants to meet that being with my blessing, any other way ... In this life you learn that, there are things worst than death, this is Infinity beyond that, so I ask all. Please Don't. All Blessings ALL Aqua. Here is something I put up a decade and a half ago. You speak funny, all of you. It is helpful for Teen Zitts.. It is good for pre makeup as well. Blessings Friends I was with Group watching one of your movies, and they said... "Some things are older than creation" I taught how appropriate.... Hello world.. I will write a blog post to expand on this one as I remember/ Figure, as the Image clears. a small portion out, a tiny portion... I do now look, at all things, Note, My eyes are borrowed on occasion, same with my ears ) from a very different point of view than any other Human in this realm. Truly Friends, I should be completely MAD... All Blessings ALL P.S Old Man...thank you for keeping me sane, and for EVERYTHING else all the time at every moment. Humbly and Obediently yours forever. Aqua Blessings Friends. I taught I would share one I wrote many decades prior. It has been in electronic form or at least a small part of it, has been for some 15 years. http://bookoflight101.blogspot.com/ Blessings Friends Aqua ....It is easy to se why, I am alone... This is a labyrinth, and survival is the only option. I can no longer turn back, only suffer...Or Achieve Balance, the Pendulum must center and stabilize for me to Heal further... Those things I can do are becoming visible, as those doing me harm are suffering terribly. One is near death now. I have no choice I will decimate their ranks... In am sorry only for the Orphans... They will not learn but they will not be able to function either...enjoy.... it takes a good mind decades (Quick ARGO LESSON )..this means the wiser the mind the longer it will take...A mind to wise may have the doors shut very tightly..? Long ago, The water was JUST RIGHT. They asked Noah, how come living to 800 years no longer happened. The little spec we are on is maturing, as with all things, and us bugs here on the surface, mean very little. All Blessings All I will heal anyone you want, from any of mans diseases, including death. To Obtain, find me some of my ROSE.. "FULVIC MINERAL" There are those on here who can certify what I am offering. NO Acids.. I will require 2 grams for testing. Once proven, I will send you a gift which WILL do as I claim. All Blessings ALL Aqua.

this day......My Memory on this line has completed...

Fellow Salamanders Now that I have it. ( The Great Work ) What is next, well it is said by many that to know is to fear God more. I believe that means the level of knowledge which becomes, the understanding of ..hmmm..standards and patterns which lie every so slightly beyond the human minds capabilities. Not cause it cannot, cause it is taught,,,same as your hatred of each other for color and looks...so far beyond foolish as to be below any animals, or mammals. A civilization so warped that it has eradicated itself.... ( Y'all cant tell yet, Oh, but Y'all will be able to tell soon, Enjoy Humans) And y'all believe what I say to be fantasy...WOW Even the Old man is surprised, not an easy accomplishment, be proud, you ave brought yourselves to extinction. WOW Humans??? ALL Blessings ALL Aqua

In a Nutshell, In plain as much as is possible..fer fun...

I arrived, many decades went by, The being born of the woman, was here. He has left, kinda...I control more than he. He is here 20% now, and less and less. It cannot be spead up beyond the normal speed at which the body heals, but it will continue to heal so long as balance is correct. The body will have clear flags, things to look for. Fer decades I taught, can it really be that simple. Turns out it is. The entire last 15 years are written in my Alchemical Diary here. No one can talk of things unknown in such a way as to not seem insane, it is as it is. I have many who are continually shocked when the see me, for they can sea. Those you call Sumarians, they were Eternal. I can tell you what happened, but it is a long way into the veil, and if your paying attention, that is hard for the mind. Here is a grand Hint. IT HAS A GREAT DEAL TO DO WITH THE BIRTH OF THE WORD, LUCIFER. Look closer friends. That's easy ARGO. To read something so unbelieveable and very difficult to write into plain english, for not a one of nothing is acknowledged by your peoples, anywhere it seems. I believe your species know. You may have fogotten 100%, and that is amazing. The extra abilities although still light seeming are growing everyday, a grand example...( Read what I write, You will FEEL me, Not an accident ! In 3 years ask my qpf friends. I have learned that balance is delicate , but the eternal side of me will not let me expire, so long as it is not to hot or on the oil side of the scale, or not to cold or on the acid side of the scale...what scale..well the earth's, simple. So long as I remain centered , well the legends.... Thats Enough. ALL Blessings ALL AQUA

not able to die...hmmmmm.....

\*To have an ability to have this body not die, is most amazing. It requires balance as, with all things time has played a role, Today' caQ s water is far different than the water which existed in the past, far far different. AT one time it was simply a part of this world, that changed with what you call the Great Flood. The Water changed. As with all things it settled. Always the answer is in the simple, but to the wise mind, The simple seems foolish. Laugh out Loud. The old stories which tell of river beds, well it is still there , that so needed thing, but so much closer to hell you must get to obttain it...( Some Argo for you folks.) Once, one has balance then healthyness or youthfulnessis are achived through concentrations of certian things mixed or otherwise. Sentient Water, just think on that... A type of water which exists in a few different forms, now we are transistioning to clear again. The Level of Sentient, is determined by a few factors. There are things which exist which cause it's protection, even from it's knowledge by such wise minds. "For you cannot see For you will not look Four you will not listen For you will not Touch For you will not smell For it is all follishness" So long as that is where it remains, I am and I will remain. You seek Your Greed, it is what is more to you than life. Good for You You age and die Your Choice All Blessings ALL Aqua.

Early days and the nice girl with the unique mind...

AS I have said many times, it is my Very Early Days here. Ran into a Human female with a unique mind. Most mind are scatter, some are calmer these are the best of what humanity has. Every once in a while run into a mind that has what I will call, "Controlled Scatter" A mind unaware of it's potential, yet with grand capabilities, oh but to teach our own selves is so very difficult. She know who she is, we have spoken. She is aware of what she is , although when her mind has been there a while the scatter takes over, a bit to much. She could understand enough to learn, I would assume. Most lessons to train the mind, which we taught to our very young long ago, are scary to the current beings here and they close the door when the scatter has to much fear within it. Bringing the minds here and now anywhere is very difficult. All the leaders see is protection...Lines in the sand??? when I come across a mind which has potential, it is just a really grand things to see, all minds were like this once, the closed ones were the rarity? Today all minds are closed and everything is Greed. Those with unique minds are everywhere, yet the are content with the scatter, that is Group. When seeking look for something out of Group, be aware bad creatures are looking as well. The little Devils, (Today called Cats) are a sensor for the Bad Creatures, oh but so much to learn to understand their minds and Signals. So Very Much Lost. All Blessings ALL Aqua

My WILL be done.

Y'ALL have cheated. Y'all are not being fair or honest... Y'all believe your top. Y'all believe, nothing can be done. Y'all have great power. Y'all have a peanut becoming an EGG. This is your Egg, y'all created it. This will continue to grow, you will NOT! One once said, Y'all's Army is to big, I mean to know. The Egg will grow, none of your medicine will assist in anyway. Y'all's Army will be decimated to 5% . Y'all have no laws for this. I am sorry to the Orphans. Not this time round, Humans. ALL Blessings All Aqua.

Note for me... to remind me ...

The Experiement has reached its conclusion. A grand amount of healing to do. too much of that which makes all things slippy, yet mixes with water well...(Some ARGO Friends) and the same result, the damage is either dry or wet..Dry seems worst...uggghhh. too much of that which makes all things stop, and exists in all water and the same result, damage... A balance must be achieved and an awareness of oneself is REQUIRED, this part ..how to say today, Freaks me out...bahahaha... The damage is across the entire entity, and can be caused to all things, a development which is certianly unexpected.. I understand your reluctance Old man, this mind takes its time.. You 1st old man, even before myself... Always KIndness and Love All Blessings ALL Aqua

An Apology, of sorts, 1 of many to come, sadly

I cannot state I did not know. I am using the darkness, I do not desire this path. It has been and is being forced upon me. There is a group in the North, all of them suffer, for I must defend. I stated this time I had to be able to protect myself against, as many humans as necessary. This was promised / agreed to me. They will not stop their efforts, as a result they themselves must be stopped. There are no human laws for what I do, they will be missed by some. I do not desire this outcome, I am left with no other choice. I am sorry for all that will occur. Upon ALL of them. ALL Blessings ALL Aqua

Our Little World...

Our little world contains such treasures. Humankind has its scales and tests and things must be fully understood before they can be accepted, be it a child, man, woman, or thing. \For Humankind knows all things. HUmankind cannot see the starving / dying billions, yet the se all. When you are a part of something, as you are within it, and it is all water, well sense states you can find the correct water. When I started this little trip so long ago, I never imagined there would be that which is all things waiting for someone to finally figure it out, but in this world it is simply to late. The Inevedible is here, it has been held back but it's time has passed, but for how much longer...Amazing If you could understand, If you tried, you would need the SOMA, for your mind would catch fire. This knowledge resides on the very edge of human minds capability to understand. Henece why it all seems like follishness, that is the human mind adjusting to accept what is deemed Impossible through learning. There is nothing which cannot be done, nothing..the catch is figureing it out. I myself, unlike many others before me choose to chance the run for health rather than gold, thinking greed is bad, it worked. The ABilities are MArvel like, so incredible. As all know, well. how to say this, I have said it before but this time, so many others will realize. When you read what I myself write on this Internet thing, you can whooly feel me, that is no accident. For howelse would I be able to seek another, at least at that time. I can now seek globally at my will, I can effect the entire globe, I am experiementing. I did not want to do any darkness, although some have come looking and will not leave well enough alone, These ones have a very short existence now. When they said beyond the veil, it means beyond the humans mind ability to understand. I believe that the Human mind could not survive existance beyond the Veil, hence the Pictures showing a curtian pulled back and only a view..To try for more creates madmen. To state what we seek is everywhere is so very true, and I mean everywhere the entire universe, galaxies etc. the catch is we need it clean, Sea salt is better than regular salt, that is because there is an unatural twin there with it. Humankind has not looked, the twin is there with every grain of salt, in a lesser amount, want more, the twin sinks, unless distrubed then it again mixes. The Place you call Dead SEA, it has a higher concentration of the twin. Strait up in plain and no one will look..Humankind knows everything all ready. Can you fucken Imagine 8 billions Humans who get sick but just dont expire, and can make babies forever. There is 2 billion starving to death today and everyday. Good job. To be told this would certinly mean the end of all Humans know, might be intersting. It would be the end of the world, but I know where I am headed, Human kind just might destroy heaven within this realm..Although very unlikely not Impossible, and for a species which is as Humans are , It would not be surprising. Every world has its own special elixir, almost all worlds know it, this world not at all, and you were taught? On this spec, and within this realm we are water, there are an endless types of water, your grand Table of Elemnts would need a grand redo. You will not even carefully examine sea water, and it is so abundant..Most Amazing. I truly have spend many years studing the why, One of my many tasks here. What cause the lead species on this world to not look, where it was learned to look. I cannot figure out how, Many will say Organised relegion, but that alone could not be enough..FOR YOUR SPECIES WAS TAUGHT. It should have allowed for small isloated groups to come up and exist with the knowledge, Yet nothing anywhere. I successfuly found a mind one time, randomly, out of an amazing 8 billion...How? I fear nothing now, although being tied down is no fun, so I am doing what I was allowed, and well there will be Orphans. These Humans keep making choices which are clearly wrong, yet they choose to pursue it. Could I rid us of those bad humans, sure but where to start? Even where I am now, I could save some but Doubting Thomas is everpresent. Humankind chooses to die, such an odd Species,,I wrote them words correctly, Humankind chooses to die. Beofre you can be shown this, you must first be brough back to the beings you are, not the ones you believe you have become. Your a laugh, everywhere, and everywhere is without end. I am to find a way to save your kind, I have all but given up, I no longer look, If it runs me over, better for you folks. To the hunters, to late. All Blessings All

Sight refined....

As I sit here trancing into a thighter demensional string.
I think on those ythings I can now do. My will be done is so true as to scare me.what I choose I obtain. I do seem to be sent to those who are special, r most needy. I know who I am, I do not believe myself of this..although nothing can change the truth, for it remains truth for one as for many. I am not alone, the other I felt was awakening as well I guess. I am full of wonder as to how or if they new what was happening. I heal many, I have found ways around the stupid human brain. It certianly is mostly trickery , but it is used to have them use the medicines, and they heal, they heal in unreal ways, so healthy as to be scary. But Youth is but health. I have foiund a Human female I can stay with , and I will stay for a decade or 2 with this one, bring things along as they should be brought. A very large family and extended family, they have of course already started to experience those things you call miracles. So very Simple. Once again a few have choosen to believe anything but what is actually occuring, and as with so many before will be very desperate for some more, just a bit, this time we will find your mineral... The illnesses such as , and most often Cancers returnnd they pass.as for me,I keep Trying. Free will, when you make a choice the 1st time, you will always make the same choice... Many worship the books, yet have no knowledge of the medicines they possess, or speak of. The rat will walk the maze so long as the odour is present. I save many, sometimes daily. I am of this, i am becoming this, I am this, this is I. We are, more and more everyday. There is nothing and none I cannot effect. The corrupt have touched me, and it is clear that their lives are not going well. To wish/will upon I, Kindness in any form , is always returned 100 fold. To wish/will upon I, Darkness in any any form is always returned 10 fold. All that has ever been wanted is kindness, all you have ever produced is death. You have not seen that which is everywhere, in all things.So prevelant it is that you know sea salt is better but you know not why, and not a one of nothing of you look. We are here, as your time is done. If any one of you 8 billion humans were worth keeping, you would look at my writings, the combination of elements, where to obtain them how to use them, is all there multiple times. There is a picture and explanation as to where I obtain the Phil salt. It is all there, not a one of nothing of you people, have looked. Absoluly amasing, No one would believe, but to have lived it for a few decades is unemaginable, yet I have done just that. I have lived to see an entire civilasation be so busy with war that they did not see what was needed to survive. If told now,the end would arrive as it inevidbly does, while the humans were trying to destroy or control what they think of as a universe. Even the Tree knows better. truly as sah species. without the oils and drinks, those venturing to other worlds will not survive long. Your Universe is so small and insignificant, as to be one single drop of water, amongst all those other drops, coming out of a once inch pipe at 1000psi, for Infinity. Which drop are you would be the level of Intelligence we would expect from your species, then once found after a grand long search, war would becane as control of this drop would be a Grand thing to pay any number of lives for. Humans?????????????????A bad Species. All you had to do was look under your noses. Hey Elon Musk, want really Good Batteries. Good luck to y'all. All Blessings ALL Aqua

Notes, and , Me...

As....Once again, I progress through the change, to prepare for that which I do not know... I have reached the point where I myself can see it happening in the mirror, although it appears that more unspoken things are occuring.The tails of werewolves and dracula, appear to be temporary, If only I had the memories I would know... My health is great, verified by their machines... I seem to be a slave to the fule, when I am out I deteriorate quickly...Took 3 lessons to realize that...rough lessons...uggghhhhh.... It seems that without the ongoing fuel input, processes cease and reverse, I am hopeful, that this is temporary. I can obtain it, but being a slave to it would prove a Yoke around my neck. ( Oh my what have I shown you) To have listen to my teacher and heard his teachings I have now many abilities, extremly heathy and long life is now mine, I have the Greed as needed, it seems my teacher is more in control of that than I? Greed is a changer, of humans, the desire to be better vthan your neighbour is constant and most cannot have the emotional desire they cannot control, even with smiles they step on each other. I am at my 3 trimester, (Grand Word) It is nice to see the exterior changing, although, I know the parts inside when they are new must be cared for or will make me feel yucky, especiially tummy, many processed foods do not like me, for now, as this is the case then my exterior will be sensitive. That told, I am worried about the Dracula effect with the white sun. Will it be long, is it permanent, jesse I hope not...( I av done this many times, but no memoriers, of the experience.) I have more new friends, One was done, his heart...It is healing...The other had a growth in her brain, it is healing. Both were at their last days, with no other opinion. God stopped death for them...( without the memories it amazeses me all the time... What mankind missed is beyond silly...Like Graingers disease, cured 4 times, in this age it is known as Flesh eating disease, and it is incurable, people die or have limbs cut off..This species? I do enjoy knowing that I have all the time I could want, My friends I come 1st, I have enough for 200 years for me, then I will run out and expire. SOme of you who are my close friends, know... What was given you as a blesssing, is temporary, only 2 or you have 8 years, many more have considerably less time. FIND MY MINERAL..."FULVIC MINERAL" When you meet me, you are always at the end of your rope, your Yoke is taking you down, your life is over.... Then you met me, but as with all things it has a price, In a time long past all knew, but we were hunted and killed for the knowledge... From what I have gathered, IF there are any left they are either hiding and in seclusion. I can still vanish, actually that ability has improved 5 fold and continues to grow , as with all the other abilties, some I hold back as they scare me. I can truly hurt without even being on the same space, or time...although the time part still scares me so much that I drop it when I finally get ahold of it. I know there is an event which occurs involving time..(THat one I remember, although only the arrival) which makes me vanish as I move backwards into myself at a younger time...but the memoreies, are limited to anointing oils and my families names...those fade fast, I am however able to captuee the memory and review it as needed. It tells me nothing new, as it is from a forward time...ALl this is new to me this time round. I had a hobby, now I am eternal, I have had a grand ampount of help from that which is all things, for with this mind it was mandatory...This mind alone could not have succeeded. (Time is Very slow here) The things I can now do...The list is sooo long. I can walk into any mind, I can influence weak minds As i learned I took lives, I beg forgivness, This mind did not know it was being changed to such an extreme. I am sorry! Then their are those who used their very limited abilities, to try to hurt me. They have met that which is all things, Now , that can be a good thing or a bad thing, I believe they choose the bad thing, I pity them...for Eternity. With me is is a know that to wish good things upon me will be returned to you 100 fold, to wish darkness upon me will be returned 10 fold. Truly I pity them... Well my friends, this is it for now... ALL Blessings ALL Aqua

How too..Progress Metals, and Other things,

such as large heavy rocks, make them light. You will need some elements 4 specifically...but it depends who you ask some say 3, some say 7 or 8 some say Infinity. These must be equals and willing to work as one. Then it must be "Just Right" Not to Hot, Not to cold, Just Right". Our Art is always done in the darkness of Nature, Tip: Candles allowed and good. When the Phoenix appears you have bright light, but temporary. This will create the Prima Matter, and allow all things which are contained in legend...Yes extermely long life, good health , wealth, etc... That tells you all you need to know to progress anything even your life. Now I will tell you of the Ingredients All ingredients exist in all water everywhere, the amount of dirt with the water is a big issue in your world, these must be collected and seperated. The Pictures you call "BLEACHING FIELDS" are not to bleach, it is to obtain a mineral. All the Elements are difficult to obtain and purtiy must be gotten to the old ways. Thr "Rose" is "Fulvic Mineral, it is very dirty but many times cleaner then the acid the Other is that which is the most powerful element mankind has or knows.of. The other is special and the small bee know it well. Then the other is very well known by man, but y'all did not really notice yet...WoW Put together they become something sentient, yes thinking, not on a level I fully understand, but defiently aware. To say...you can do anything, is a Grand Understatement. When consumed the eathbbound animal changes, all parts that make the being are not only renewed, but perfected as well...Better body. Some of those who have made and consumed the juice I make, know this quite well. THe Juice is less than 1% of it's capability's, think on that friends. You wanted to know I have told you. ALL Blessings ALL Aqua

You Humans, You willingly SACRIFICE YOUR YOUNG, rather than teach them…

One of my friends wrote this… Best explanation of Human I have ever known…. We Teach them 3 years of Shakespeare. We Teach them Zero years of theoretical driving. We put "Honor Student" on our OWN Children's Tombstones when they die daily in Motor vehicle accidents. Sadly, so so sadly I ask WHY??? For more than 6 of your decades you bury our kids, rather than change. In all of the species I have known, and there are a grand many. I have never so much as known a story of any species which will permit, much less allow for decades the deaths of their own offspring, when simply by teaching them, they could easily survive. Some Interesting stats, If they exist in your world… How many English teachers, buried their own child due to a motor vehicle accident? Same with History teachers? How many put "HONOR STUDENT" on their child's Tombstone? How can a Species know this is occurring in large numbers every single day and not do something as simple as educate their young to prevent it. As what is here becomes, you will ask why, what did we do...as a grand example... think of this… To sea that which you cannot yet see..Look at silt in Natural water sources,,,Heavily Increased globally, yet no pressure increase...Odd is…. You Humans LITERALLY SACRIFICE YOU OWN YOUNG DAILY IN LARGE NUMBERS…. All over this world in those parts you call Civilized. You let your own offspring die...everyday, all the time.. Wow... You sure are unique… This makes you very unique...in more places than you could dream of, all of you at the same time dreaming. WOW Humans? Ashamed to be one, not really one anyhow... ALL Blessings ALL Aqua.

Time and those things which Humankind Does..

Your time and Space on this world are at a juncture, none of you see. There are varitions, big ones occuring within this realm and those effect all things, Humans are part of all things. Your all kore irritable, since just before Christmas, that C holiday, ( a Good marker for time in any case) the Hearts of light which I once seen in a futuresight , I now know, there will be white lights and they will be described as hearts of Light, I know not why? They will kill large portions of your tiny world, you will be without so much. The Darkness which you will unleash upon yourselves will be very terrible. and sadly it will not end for your species will carry with them the actions near your future now. I wish for this realm at least as I am here, it were not so but it is as it is, the decision is not mine, and the choices have been Humanities. You will now get that which you have sown, your Dark man is here. Notre Dame, It is simply all black, the future is nothing but sadness...I am sad.I missed, gonna keep those I am asked to keep and the rest ,oh I dont know say 7.4 billion...Was nice to have known you. It will be the diseases that will cause your numbers to drop fast, and that will be caused by Humankinds hand. I have travelled time and space and do somewhat at will..No way to speak it in these languages. I will make myself 21 years again but to re-experience as new is well,,, where I come from, one rule is we cannot carry our memories , it screws things up..or so I am made too understand. To re-experience Love for the 1st time again, the thrill of holding hands, the first kiss, If you carry your memories you cannot re-experience, but if you don't have them it is new but you do not know it. I can do such odd things with such solids, I am working in the cratures of the night. I did Pop into myself (best words) and carry some, but just questions when I arrived and I did not do as I was to do. As I heal once again from an error...I am my only 1st experiement, and should be dead 25 times...seems someone has another plan for me. What this body has been put through as I have learned is beyond Imagination, well beyond the veil, unbelievable, and Impossible, would be grand understatements. My abilities and their strenghts seem to follow my emotional status, and that makes control difficult, I need to find a way around, this oat path.The darker stuff always seems so much stronger and easier to do. We do not really see ourselves ( the Dracul story and the mirror part), although when you are being looked at in that way by 20 and 30 somethings , well you do see it , in a sideways fashion through a lens called "Vanity".Enough. Blessings Aqua

Just something

It continues,,,,Always seems like it needs to be darkest before dawn,,,Every time, but this alteration is feeling considerably different..... I have what appear to be dumps occuring in very odd places on my body, at least they appear to be dumps. They are always local, so Heart and Brain,,, A dump on my head,, 1st one...had to come right through the skull, big bone, but it is certianly not a toxin from my feet being pushed out my flesh on my head,, it is always simple..so local ! Our bodies save anything it can find to keep us functioning. That has gotten harder and harded, as the more sanitary we are the less NATURE we get...Not a Grand choice. AS I change I still have not surpassed the 33 year spot, Indicated I believe by the guy that book is about. It is a hard barrier to get through, and mankind has noticed the growing stop at 21 years but they have not seen a thing of the 33 year one...Humans, you study the difficult and ignore the simple...Odd. 33 is about ther time they start to check hearts for function and such...they see it but do not care...so Odd... I believe I haver consume a grand amount and the change is in a hurry, or that is how it feels, but I need to find a way to punch through the 33 year barrier.Here s a fact that none will believe..The Mona Lisa has that grin cause it is a second self portrait of Leonardo after he chosse that change, yes this allows that. A way to hide, if your looking for an older man, a young lady will be of no interest. All things are alterable, even the universe herself, belief, and knowledge are what is needed, but mankind has their wisdom...So Interesting..
Follow all the bad lerssons as the lead to Greed. and done bvery very well overf tjhpousands of years. ALL Blessinhgs ALL Aqua

The lonely half of the species thing....and a request....love, Joy and Happiness...,

I am unsure how to lay this...I will try in Plain, understanable plain, perhaos some... I am Lonely, it is a new feeling for this being at least as far as I am concerned, and it is yucky. IT is the female I want, so terribly that I can feel the desire everywhere, it is almost all consuming at times, it is strange. welcomed and scary at the same time, and yet I almost enjoy it. Speaking with a female has become somewhat of a thrill, such a strange mind, and yet? There is an interchange which occurs even across these machines, it is clearly visable (Thats bits ARGO). It is something with the unfamiliar, that seems to cause this to occur to us. Once familarity is there, the feeling of want lessens. This is one of your unexplainables, this could be a while...99.9% like all of you...same with doubt..that little bit can make a big difference. I am working on the lonely, alas so much is still new to me, since the old man laid down the law for me. He was tired of waiting, and took to teach me a personal lesson. Now I do. Please Father, the lonely sucks, I need one or two of the opposite sex here, as companionship is required for these minds. All Blessings ALL A Man

games people play

We are all ASPI... These are abilities we all have.. They use to be normal people knew, y'all still do.our mind to do what it did at birth You just turn it off..The childs game which fewe want to play is simply an attempt to get your mind to do what it is suppose to do. You did it as a child, you forgot, and a way may have been found to restart what is natural. Explain time...When you were a young child and someone read to you while you fall asleep, iot would make your mind draw pictures in your head as you fell asleep. This is wjhat humanity is missing all of you, YOU turnewd it iff completely, so you dont see, your greed is your god and has eeffected you in ways , you do not even realise., wow. These things you have done to yourselves mean your end, beyond any expectations, you will expire by your own choice. If I can locate a couple 100 humans with knowledge of their own abilities, we may be able together move this world slightly back to a survivable senerio. Fear or flight, Many / Most run from the childs game, and that makes it hard to try. Time is on my side, not on yours, you are out of time , you will notice / sea, but beyond the plank is close, time is very short. Your focus in money / Greed, in your world without this many expire, your choice, a bad one but your choosing daily.My blog is written, in an old way, to try to cause your minds to open and see what you saw naturally as a child, the game is for the same thing.The doors are closed in almost all minds...Some respond so well as to shock me, this is promising.
No maji with this one, just re starting what is naturally there, and your born with. All Blessings ALL Aqua

You cannot know, if you cannot sea...

While we try to gain folks which can be shown how to see, the process has been brought down to an infants level, and some have been found, hope, with ASPI's My TERM, as ARGOspeak, My term, as SCATTER My Term. Ist you have to be able to see what is everywhere and not only what is educated. nature exists, it is all around, above, below,,,, your minds are alweays full of anything and always rush, by the time you have matured enough to have sone control, your dying. Your great stopper is Doubt, yes in Plain English, why not there is no one, nothing of anything left, again I say it, you starve to death cause you forgot food...How is this even possible? It will grow in the Desert. I have been able to figure that as Scatter, what you have done to yourselves is outstanding, all this time in tadpole state while your minds belive your genius? Your best is Space and that is so little as to not be noticed by ... Your species does not find as it does not look..your table of elements would mutiple by a power of 100, and your minds dismiss this as Impossible. IMPOSSIBLE, the worst of humans, this word should not exist yet it is locked in your mind as in a strong box. There is a great deal our Creator could fix instantly but that would require the wash away of our free will and that is noit good, so troubling is human emotions, that we have wars, hurt each other without reason, not the hoped for result, but free will is both needed and a difficulty. Me I will try to find enough of you to continue beyopnd what is occuring right infront of your noses everyday and night and yet no a one of nothing seas it. by the time( time, ugghhh so slowe here)you see it, it will be much much to late, so if you think you can try the ASPI test, it need not be passed as it says. Know, We will see all of you, ALL of you when you try. (Fear or Flight , your term, often very often) I sense many minds expecting us to ask for money, good luck. we have what we need. I have had to learn new ways, to hopefully find enough friends. As this Universe expands(Your term) time expands with it, what happens to anything as you stretch it out? Why would this be different for time or space? ARGOspeak, no.
Your mind will not allow you to even grasp the concept, you will dismiss this entirely, most incredible. All Blessings ALL Aqua

these things of mine...

As this process continues, I expect certian things to occur, and on occasion they do not. it is as though balance is incorrect, and that cannot be.The point we are at is ( my fav...The Dr...we are in a state of flux) we are inbetween the change back to regular, but time here is...3/4 of a million years = a second, Perspectives, from here it is just a bit warmer. Our entire universe is changing...expanding is what humans can see, but so much more is occuring, which is for the most part not mattering as the realm will always be, those within, well the realm will always be...I have found a way to have Our Protectors although it is .."WE ARE ASPI".Powerful Humans are difficult to control, although the ASPI's are scatterbrained they are powerful, most know abuse, bad abuse, the worst, at the hands of many humans, and yet are still filled with kindness, that is a very good thing for the rest of the humans. Gonna get Interesting.
I have found that when humans are presented with something so far off their way of thinking, they call it maji, and run...the fight or flight thing I believe. those which stay will be a part of our Protectors...doing things while no one can telll, or at least almost no one, and doing them on any scale. Y'all know that when you speak with me on here, I read EVERYTHING about you, resume process. I can read anyone anywhere, control some, I AM KINDNESS, and will choose to remaion as such. That is a sense feeling I brought with me, I must reamin kindness. My Focusing abilities are improving as my current ASPI friends are quite good at allowing me to focus their abilities, I suspect this is what is allowing the Facebbok thing to remain sane, this time. I would cancel the Fcebopok thing with 1 billion members before I would allow unkindness, that will get no engine from me! It is odd that no other has stepped forward, I sense some...I know I am not alone, and they now know me, but they only watch, and not like before , no watchers visible. it is as though what needed to happen has occurred and they now watch from far away. All of this remains unknown to me for now, I have trapped one long ago and found some information , but that mind was very well gaurded.i remember that well, it was stepped with confusion to mask it like scatter, ohhh Yes I am getting it old man, keep it coming...answers now...I am undertsanding they are...the other side of the mirror, but have many domains and can come and go as they please, changes will have been made, look for bubbles, things that are big and just dont fit, thise will be few, that small ones will be concentrated at the cetrer of the evernt...look for bubbles..........wow, gotta digest thjat...TY OM 1st time that has happebned on one of these things. I think my ASPI friends will digest this better than me, they seem to possessthat ability quite well. Something to do with the way it is processed by their minds... All Blessings ALL Aqua

things are rumbling...

Deep beneath us, is another world, and something is causing it to stir. We have many sources world wide, and all of them are overproducing like never before seen. Something is causing a stir, and it is not good for those living on top.
What I seee is all dark from humankinds microcausum point of view, but things must be as thigs muct be, balance must always be. There is but one way out, and it would be with me, or someone who can move from one realm to another. A choice which in this world requires some unique elements, If you want in find the following and let me know..."FULVIC MINERAL" In Latin FULVUS, Just the mineral, no acids. Can be white light grey, but yellow is prefferred.Find this under any name for me and your ticket is bought, front row. I will be able to tell if it is correct. A funny species you focus on anything gold, and cannot see the sea headeed right for you from all around. I TRULY WOULD LIKE TO KNOW THE CAUSE OF THE BOWLES OF OUR EARTH STIRING SO... I do know that we will all know very soon. All Blessings ALL Aqua

things seen in....time

I rarely write of that which I am not certian but this is concerning. As what you call your world warms up things change. There is a type of insect, not seen by your species, at least not living which has awakened, they will multiply rapidly and are very bad...That is it, that is the memory or future sight. they are the size of Pomona bugs, they are here. It will be very Interesting. It is as with most of this no gonna be good for man. I am unsure what they do, but it will be bad. I dislike the darkness, but I see a great deal of it. SO many changes occuring right in front of you..Here is one that is Yours...yet I see...These electronic things are done. It has gotten sloopy and choopy all over this rock to use YOUR electronic things, There is a war occuring. It will never be as good as it was last month. What you call LAND LINES will once again be needed very soon. That is a single example, there are 100's per day everywhere yet no one sees, till it is near the end of whatever cycle it is, WOW your truly is a lost species.It effects your Hospital care systems as much as your toilet, it will be Intersting to see numbers lost to plain ole stupidity. I suspect they will be Very high. Many of your species does not know that tossing a rock into water will make the rock sink to the bottom of the water, it is amazing that that is so damn true. Your global system to teach, teaches the mundane at best and teaches, not a thing which is both necessary and would save lives, and your precious money...Ohhh That Greed...What has started, is that upon awakening I am not within myself but rather I envelope my sourdings, and they are as much a part of me as my arms or legs, in this time and place it is new to me, but there is a twitch that says been here before, and I carry enough memories to know this to be true. Like it says on the other electronic thing Facebook, you must come to me, to call me is to do it may times and for many rings, for I answer that thimg when I want to and very rarely for long, for it is always about a human so loved who is at the end of their days , often young ...It makes me feel sad, but I leave it available, yes it is very very diffficult to find and you need detication to get an answer, and you must come to me is never the answer wanted...it is as it is. You were taught all of this, but greed gold silver etc, took it all away, silly wabbit, tricks are for ...those who can read Pictures. You even forgot food, you could feed everyone, it grows in the desert well enough, wow your an amazing species, it grows, you see it everywhere and you do not know it is food...wow oh wow. the hungry walk right on by, amazing... I wonder what I will think of your realm when I go back, yours is a species which has traded your own children for greed, and your doing it again, with the veil of rushing to save lives, you have done this in the near past as well with a disease you called Polio. You will only work on that which will bring you gold, even at the death of your own children, amazing. There are things you choose to not see, and that is almost worst. Well enough plain Sight words for now. Watch for the bugs they are here, again. The temperature is just right, and they are food for, oh crap...The flying ones will be coming too. thick glass maybe...a while yet. When Sandstorms become a good thing, those here will understand some. Said that to make y'all think... All Blessings ALL Aqua

Things time..

When I look in on times and places , as we arrive somehow our memories are not permitted to travel with us, so a relearning occurs everyutime, but it can be mixed. WHen I think of the Infinite number of civilations which have existed on this tiny spec you call a world. you only believe what you see, One of your greatest failings, as you cannot see anything. Here again everyone do this..take the cleaest water you can find and slowly let it evaporate away (steeeping) there will always accumale a residue, some times a great deal of water is needed. the fine dust which will always appear, is iiiffff nnot polluted, a tracky thing you have added as a macro to be dealt with..the oak cleans. what appears will likely be very special, obtain some from a clean source and give it to your sick and see what occurs, although for a short time.... it is a beautiful thing for the heart. Yours is a first for not seeing that which is all thimngs and learning how to manipulate this reralm with it..relearning can be a fun experiement, these things we say every time, this time i am writing it downm and no troubles or punishment as of yet, Thanks old man for the ok... Truly you are to this realm as a 4 year old is to it's parents...but wait the millions of hogs killed as food daily are 4 years old to you. You are an odd creation. You missed the bus, took the wrong road and now, well your dealing with a disease, in the greed way.when yu were told that you had made a bad choice, you choose to stick with it Adam. You lack of the knowledge of the element of control for all things, is astonishing...Greed...Your a civiliazation which has come a good way without the knowledge...and that is to be found Interesting and worth looking in on...member infinite worlds and realms..all beings will see wht they truly look at, but at the same time only what they truly look at.There is so many of you now, so so so many. You have done wellish with medicine, yet you die. As a species you have learned to keep your secrets and not share, and you are that, so you missed it. ALl Blessings ALL